
Polio or not, fuck that guy.

Vampires, werewolves, and goblins oh my!

IT’s more the weight of all that evil. Like the hands of a thousand dead hillbillies wanting their votes back.

Drop a mountain on him.  As demonstrated - he has a shit Reflex save.

That much money in the room and not a single real leader.

Maybe a follow-up piece if you can find a major studio where the culture issue has/is being meaningfully addressed?

Even local government isn’t immune.

Dammit internet - LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!

How about skip the legos and give us HW4.

I am disgusted by this display and will remain so as I hit refresh regularly.

I know :-(

I heard that Anthem is the revivified corpse of the assets from DLC content that was planned for Andromeda. They had spent over half a million on continued development and assets before the sales numbers returned...

Thoughts and prayer go out to them that they may die from Irony poisoning.

If enough people can just believe....

Love the “rugged mountain-man with brand-new boots cleaner than a stripper’s window” look he is trying to pull off here.

I’m a man, and reading that was just painful.

A short man...schooling women on how their clothes should fit...I’m ded.

Bristol Palin is leaving MTV’s Teen Mom OG, but not before talking some shit about what a fake show it is. “Teen Mom OG wasn’t a fit for me, it took away my peace,” Palin wrote on Instagram. “[A]nd honestly—my peace has a price tag that no one but God can afford.

Not ours for sure.

Devil’s in the details. A Penis is a rather important detail.