
Idk man, you're drawing a pretty false dichotymy between "give completely content-devoid answers" and "sound batshit insane." Most of us manage to inhabit that middle ground every single day.

The NBA players would never agree to that because it is not in their financial best interest to do so.

Yes, that is true enough.

What you are describing would likely still represent a net salary decrease for WNBA players, though. Their ticket and TV revenues are pretty minuscule.


The WNBA loses money though...

That'd probably be the case if she was the first one, yeah. Hopefully the fact that it is corroborated by other accounts will help here.

You claim you get to have a valued opinion on the word nigger because you sometimes hear loud music being played on someone's radio. That is absolute nonsense. That means you get to have an opinion on loud music.

Shut up and stay out of it. "Sometimes I yell at black youths playing the rippity-rap out of their cars!" is almost as tenuous of an excuse as Wise's "My dad knew someone who knew someone" line.

To be fair, while completely wrong and hella white here, Wise is one of those "the Washington football team" folks.


OK, we'll have to put aside this question until after we have run an experiment: at a moment not of your choosing, when you are not prepared to take it, we will have a 265 pound, 6'11", hyper muscular man clock you (or the larger man of your choosing!) upside the skull. When you check out of the hospital, we can

That's not the point. The question was not "who wins a cage match, Marc Gasol or Dwight Howard?" That's an entirely different matter than the post that you're responding to.

It's a better bet than not that a swing from 265 pounds of rock hard muscle is probably gonna land like a pile of bricks.

Eh, not really. The triangle includes specific dictates about how players position themselves relative to each other and around the court. If "triangle" teams don't seem to follow those dictates any more frequently than other teams, they aren't really playing the triangle. That's what Tim means.

No, they've just won the most games. That is slightly different.

I'm not sure what to make of a world where the Red Sox are closer to the median than the top.

I just want to say that I also found this comment really sweet.

My girlfriend, who normally has beer opinions that are at least approaching reasonable (Blue Moon apologies aside), has said that DT is uniquely terrible to her and tastes like dish soap. I am completely confused by this. Sure, doesn't have to be everyone's thing, but among the worst you've ever had? Dish soap? It