Fuzzy Socks

And small batch!

So basically what I used to do when I went out, but with checking my texts and photos instead of Google.

That makes sense. I mean nothing else about this does.

I'm so confused why Kylie Jenner is tagged. That was my takeaway.

I've had neighbors like that before. My landlord didn't give a shit that there were 10 people (4 adults/6 kids) with only one on the lease. But the dumping the litter box in the grass is just beyond acceptable.

I can’t stop laughing about this, it’s the best anecdote I’ve ever heard about them.

I've never had a problem with baby bikinis, but I also never thought about the diaper aspect!

I know someone who made a wall hanging out of two antique rifles to put above her baby’s crib...

Can we talk about Nev though? From what I can tell based on his IG and wiki he’s not married to his daughter’s mother, but she discovered she was pregnant when they had been together on and off long distance for 7 months. And they weren't using birth control, because they maybe wanted kids someday, and she took the

That is PERFECT!

I had a coworker/friend who had three small stars on her temple, and when people asked if it hurt she would say it “felt like they were licked on by kittens.” I was never able to discern if she was being sarcastic or not.

This is what I keep trying to explain to my republican family members.

Haha sorry I forgot to warn you about the sound! It's less bad if you get your skin damp first.

So I'm not a cat person and usually scroll past cat pics but OMG that is a cute kitten! I just want cuddles!

It's my favorite foundation! Really buildable coverage, looks natural, and can be applied with a sponge or brush. Highly recommend!

Tan Towels! They're a little pricey but super easy to use and give a really natural color.

Yay, so glad the Tinkle worked for you and your ^ brows! I actually used mine all over my face last night. The last time I did that I broke out like crazy but this time I was more careful and didn't go over the same spot more than once. Just be careful, of course, and use downward strokes and rinse the razor

How is that? I tried their hard ginger ale the other day and hated it.

I'm in DFW and I've seen this on the news quite a bit. Nothing near the coverage Missy has gotten though.

I'm with you, I was hoping for a sad Keanu sitting on a bench alone situation.