Fuzzy Socks

I snort/laughed at your comment and then again when I looked at your name. Well done.

That is such a nightmare! I've never been on a flight for longer than about 6 hours nonstop and even on 3 hour ones I'm checking the time every half hour to see when I'll be on the ground and out of the metal tube of death.

Serious question, what makes one a perfume drencher? I smoke and before going into the airport I always have a cig and then spray a little perfume on to try to cover that smell. Like 2-3 spritzed of some Marc Jacobs shit.

I didn't believe my mom that people actually put their jeans on this way in the 70s until I saw Dazed and Confused.

Sorry girl, but as a Rachel whose name is always butchered with extra letters, I have no sympathy. ;)

I'll bring beer!

I forgot abour Cady! From what little gossip I know it sounds like YN wasn't randomly targeted though.

You're welcome! Let me know how it goes.

I have DirecTV and they’re doing a free HBO thing this weekend. I just found HBOe on my guide and it was there, in all its glory.

Seriously, I never saw her post anything that could be considered offensive. Same with St Eliz. If y’all are reading here I hope you're well!!!

I think it would be perfect for that! I checked and the brand I have is called Tinkle. It came in a 3 pack from Amazon. Super easy to clean but it takes a bit to get used to how to use it - I cut myself the first time I used it, so maybe use it on your leg to get an idea of what kind of pressure you need to use. And

WOW. I had no idea it was a fully formed theory!

I forgot about this and it took me so long to find HBO on my guide but GODDAMN I AM HERE FOR THIS!

I have no idea what site you’re talking about but it sounds like something I’d be into! Unless you're implying that the commenters suck?

It really sucks that that happened to her, she was so nice! I miss her “hey jezzies, whatcha drinkin?” posts.

Is the pointy thing on the top or bottom of your brow? I have one of those razor things and it’s great for between my brows and the little whispy hairs above them (and for my ‘stache lol) but it's too big to use under your brows or for any kind of shaping.

Well according to one genius on my local news station’s FB post about his death, the Illuminati did it, so...

I read that and shit, what an awful and scary place to die.

Or you drink a diet coke with it and the calories cancel out!
