Fuzzy Socks

I really don’t understand what the hell Abraham is doing. Or Sasha for that matter. A couple episodes ago she invited him into her house, but last week she was stand offish to him, so I can’t figure out if they hooked up or what. I think I need to re watch before the finale

Any suggestions (from anyone) for a grey eyeshadow or palette? I used to wear a lot of taupe/gold and other warm colors, but since I went blonde I’ve noticed cooler shades look better. The only UD ones I have are glittery silvers and I'm not that into glitter every day.

I didn't think anything in this thread could be worse than that pumpkin seed story from a couple years ago, and yet...

It needs to be resurrected/come out of hibernation Asap!

That made me think about how Tom Schwartz on Vanderpump Rules calls his fiancé Bubba. And even got “bubba” tattooed on his ass.

I have a mole on my temple that sprouts a hair like that. It'll be totally invisible, then long and gnarly looking and drive me insane until I can get my hands on some tweezers.

I say this every time I drink Pinot Grigio, despite the fact that 99% of the people I know don't get it.

Exactly, or a 3 part mini series!

How is he still teaching??

That is my absolute holy grail foundation! I love how the coverage is so buildable.

I got the Garnier micellar water a couple months ago and I'm obsessed. I use it morning and night religiously and am grossed out by what it pulls out of my face!

Can we talk about what the hell they're gonna do with a second season? The Chanels are asylum mean girls?

So can I ask about your trazodone experience? I was prescribed it and took it exactly once, slept for 3 hours and then was up all night and crashed out around noon. Is it like an antidepressant where it takes a while to actually be useful?

As long as you can drink for ~12 hours a day and know basic first aid, you're in! 😆

I would vote for a store brand vanilla snack pack before Trump tho.

Can you at least drink at them?

Literally watching JJ right now and avoiding phone calls I need to make.

I'm lucky in that my family reunions could very well be a reality show. There's drinking! Tears! Blood (twice last year)! Drama! Secret babies! Drinking! That time the boat ran out of gas in the middle of the lake!

Thanks for the heads up! Effy’s ending seemed appropriate for her but Naomi... I still can't even think about it.

Honestly I didn't like the third generation very much, so you're not missing out.