Fuzzy Socks

Then I think we have an understanding, extending to anyone who stars these comments without saying anything. 😏

Yesss! There was a 6 episode final series/season with 2 episodes each focusing on Effy, Cook, and Cassie. I’ve only seen Effy’s eps but the premise is that they’re several years out of school and living their young adult lives.

I watch plenty of terrible TV but I watched a few eps and just couldn't manage to care about any of the characters enough to even learn their names. But I did laugh my ass off at the bowl-o-pills at that party because it was just hilarious in that the writers are clearly clueless about what actually teenagers do and

Wanna be in my anti-squad?

Even if Effy was an awful person sometimes, Kaya absolutely nailed that role. Did you watch the final series where she had a two episode storyline?

She was a guest star on Recovery Road, a Freeform/ABC Family show about a teenager in a sober living house, a couple weeks ago. I caught a rerun and it was worse than it sounds.

In addition to different colored clothing, I've heard of painting a single finger or toenail to keep track of who's who.

A family friend is currently pregnant with twins. One baby is currently at 5 lbs 10 oz and the other at 5 lbs 5 oz, and she’s only in her 34th week. Her doctors think it’ll be 2 or 3 more weeks before she delivers so dem babies are gonna be GINORMOUS.

If I were that rich, I’d have a certain amount set aside just for tips. In my plebe experience, I once recieved a random (and much needed and appreciated) $5k check from a family member, and I put aside about $100 in cash to over top pizza delivery drivers for a while. So if I had millions, even knowing that fame is

I really want to hear more about your family now...

And his mom is all about supporting his douche-ness! She was on one of the after shows and said she not only supported James spitting on Kristen’s door, but thought he should've spit on her directly. Gross all around.

Wow, I’m sorry to hear about the ghosting! Hope you’re doing okay now.

I’m gonna need more details about Shia’s 24 hour elevator ride.

I was the same way with that movie. It even inspired me to try Oreos dipped in peanut butter!

This whole bleached eyebrow trend really freaks me out.

The article said they were walking in a neighborhood, so there was most likely a leash law in place.

Based on my extensive legal knowledge (one business law class and a love of Judge Judy) it would likely be the dog walker’s fault. That person was acting as an agent of McGowan, and they were at fault for not being in full control of the dog.

What a crazy story!

Did you ever figure out what they really meant to say?

Same here. Pineapple Express when I'm stoned? Bring it on! When I'm sober, I think it's dumb as hell.