Fuzzy Socks


I marathoned the last season in a day and I felt bad for watching tlc but holy hell was it entertaining! And also sad, and terrifying for the young Filipino (iirc) woman with the old verbally abusive white guy.

I've heard that taco night is very popular, but nothing about cake.

Jojo’s last two rose ceremony dresses have killed it, but I couldn’t get over her weird lingerie looking bikini last night.

I forgot about United States of Tara! He was excellent in that.

I started feeling anxious when I was in bad traffic last night, and I felt around in my purse for my Ativan bottle. Once I knew it was there if I needed it, I calmed down. It could've been full of tic tacs, or helped me with a major panic attack, but either way that bottle is helpful!

I am also an UnReal unofficial spokesperson, and I'm hoping that now that it's on Hulu instead of just on Lifetime I can convince more people to watch it! Truly one of the best shows of 2015.

It freaks me out, but whenever it’s on I just can’t look away from the TV!

I feel like a creep replying to you again, but this was really interesting! I had never seen that Apple commercial and it was super cute.

I'm not even done reading all the comments, but this is my favorite thread of the night! I love that no matter how different teenagers are now, when it comes to dances they still act like we did when we were that age.

I voted in Texas yesterday. The most insane thing I heard (well, read on facebook) was that the community center I voted at was TAMPERING WITH REPUBLICAN VOTES because this woman was told she couldn't be on her cell phone at the voting booth...

I’m so glad someone else knows what I’m dealing with! This class is difficult, but the professor is super involved, she even emailed me back at 10 last night, and she’s really detailed in her directions. I have two other classes where the professors don’t seem to give a shit and take up to a week to grade assignments,

I was lucky enough to not have to hire a lawyer for my divorce, but things still got pretty nasty. My only advice is to look forward to when it’s all over. I felt so great when I walked out of the courtroom with a divorce decree in my hand. I also planned a girls weekend to “celebrate” it being finalized, and then

That actually sounds really tasty! I love throwing together random things to make yummy drinks. Unfortunately, after The Great Homemade Sangria Hangover of ‘09 I can’t drink it anymore.

I got super frustrated with my (online) classmates this week. We had a discussion board assignment, with super specific instructions spelled out in the syllabus, and I only saw one other person out of 30-something who submitted appropriate content. One person had FIVE grammar/spelling errors in ONE sentence! I'm not

Oh hell yes, fuck 2010! I wish more people could admit that it was a great breakup album.

Shit, I really like mashed potatoes but they are a pretty unsexy food.

Fuck I kind of like that.

And then twist!

Thank god it wasn't just me that saw that comparison.