Fuzzy Socks

Thank you, that WAS super interesting! I will admit though, I had to finally Google how to pronounce “ooplasm” after reading it a third time. :)

I really enjoyed their first album and was meh about the second and haven't kept up with them since, but I had no idea about their family wealth! Off to fall into a wiki rabbit hole!

I've also heard of the Kardashians and others using up to 3 different shades of foundation at once, so I wonder what color their ears turn out?

When I was a strict vegetarian, before I started eating seafood again, a family member of mine made it her personal fucking mission to get me to consume fish or white meat. She straight up lied about the toppings on a pizza once. So I much preferred the misguided people who don't know what vegetarians actually eat!

I live in Texas, and I find it easier to tell people I just met “I don’t eat meat but I do eat seafood” than “I’m a pescetarian.” They know what I mean, no wings or ribs or steak or other BBQ mammals.

Do you happen to remember where you read about that? It sounds really interesting.

No judgment here! That song (the whole album really) was my personal anthem when I was going through a divorce. I don’t think it would be a cheesy tattoo, as long as you make sure you go to an artist that’s experienced with script. Lots of short words crammed together can end up blurry as the tattoo/skin ages.

I... can not even think of a gif that would accurately portray the face I just made. Okay then. Thanks. Shudder

I have no intention of seeing this movie but now I feel like I HAVE to know about the thanksgiving sex.

Haha! I’ll never forget the look on my dad’s face one Sunday when I was a freshman in high school and my mom was out of town, and he came in my room demanding to know why I wasn’t getting ready for church. I scream cried at him “BECAUSE MY BOYFRIEND DUMPED ME LAST NIGHT AND I’M ON MY PERIOD!” He turned red and pale at

Well said!

Damn you! I had managed to forget about that picture and your comment made me immediately remember how gross his toes were.

deleted my original comment because I thought you said Steven instead of Stevie! My bad.

Any idea what site you went to? I'm super curious about this now.

Oh, so you've met my ex boyfriend?

I had the same thought about “more mature styling" when I saw a pic of Steven Tyler the other day. It's okay to dress like a grown up, guys! You don't have to dress like a pirate/Stevie Nicks forever!

I can see that. It’s much more fun to watch when you can tell the contestants are having fun together though! I really considered applying this year but I bombed the online practice test.

I'm glad to have this confirmed because he's such an ass to the contestants sometimes it pisses me off. Like really Alex, you knew the name of a 16th century Russian diplomat? Okay.

I watch Jeopardy every day (and play J6 online) and I remember seeing you! You looked super cute and not at all like a weirdo cat lady. :)

I found it! It’s called Scarlet Empress and is more burgundy than purple, but still lovely!