Caitlyn Jenner should be whoever she wants to be.
man imagine a party full of dudes who are incredibly defensive of Ted 2
because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.
Ha. He fucking wishes he was that good.
Haha bringing out the big words because he called you a teenager eh?
This is an interesting point, but I think it’s possible Marc Stein and other Jewish sportswriters are being a bit oversensitive here. That article was totally over the top and out of character for Stein. It was an emotional argument not a logical one.
Recommending TESO over Destiny is like recommending chocolate instead of strawberry custard. They’re both two flavors of the same flawed product. Smack Destiny around all you like, but TESO has serious issues of its own. Of course, because you’re pimping TESO, you won’t be mentioning those, or your argument falls to…
Yeah LeBron was great, but that won't stop me from rooting against him every step of the way.
peel with it.
What the hell do you people want from Doom? People moaned when it was said it was too much like Call of Duty and less Doom. now it’s more Doom and people are moaning it looks too “brown” or “generic”
If you actually bother to learn it in depth, it’s really fun. It’s a little more complicated than Smash, and has different rules. Though there’s not enough character balance. The dlc characters were too strong.
“Geralt isn’t at all sexy” is a subjective statement. It’s your opinion.
I personally tried some Elimination and Felwinter’s Lie consistently killed me from halfway across the room in one shot while I’d attempt, and only manage to get their shield down with about 1/4th of their health remaining. (for emphasis, I use Her Courtesy with Rangefinder and Rodeo; e.g. aiming increases range, and…
I don’t know Tom, I mean. I am afraid here at Deadspin to say what I think without repercussion. I mean, I get the ESPYs are just famewhoring anyways. I do think reasonable people (not necessarily just Bob Costas) have legit hesitations about hoisting Caitlyn up so unequivocally. I’m sorry :(
SHATTAP. i hate crybabies who put in a million plus hours into the game and are still crying about drop rates. SHATTAPPPPPP and deal, or gtfo
This asshat Jay (ex-friend/bandmate) stole my NES Ducktales cart. He borrowed it, and then when I asked him to finally return it like 6 months later, he said “What are you talking about? That’s mine, I’ve always had it.”
Or they might just take over a bunch of offices and the parking lot. Then toss up settlements.
Israel bombs the Rockstar HQ (and a dozen schools and hospitals in nearby neighborhoods) in 4... 3... 2...