
So am I gonna have to fight my Shadow now or what?

"Which of your songs would you like to hear Adele cover?"

Yea, gender is so overrated in terms of being a factor in voting patterns. It is not. Female-male voting patterns align on race. White males and females vote republican, everyone else votes democrat.

they are saving money on physical discs, and having more time to work on things.

It never bothered me. I find it soothing. Kept it on.

Sometimes I feel that my friends and I live in an alternate dimension outside of Kotaku. Seriously it seems we're the only ones who enjoy Destiny for what it is.

So basically, reading comprehension is a lost art.

Coming up: additional dance moves pack DLC.

except for the assholes that go into the cave to dance just so you don't hang around their farm.

So basically, people who are mad that the score is now based on skill are afraid to race because they don't want their scores to be lowered to reflect their actual skill?

wow your nephew has some stupid rage issues. maybe you should talk to his parents about getting him some therapy.

I enjoy the fact it is difficult to obtain rare items. It makes them..... well, rare. Gamers these days want instant satisfaction without working for it.

Better safe than sorry. :(

I was wondering, is Kotaku going to cover the just breaking news that Anita Sarkeesian fabricated her recent death threats? She is currently being caught red handed on twitter as to having lied about the threats and her interactions with the police.

Hopefully, we will see all of these accounts perma-banned.


Because most non-profits don't have the money to buy the opinions of their Board members.

If you knew what kind of material TMZ collects on celebrities behind-the-scenes and how they leverage it for access, you wouldn't be so thrilled about the "investigative gold standard" that TMZ is setting.

There is nothing wrong with "y'all". It's a perfectly functional word in a language that has no "vosotros" or "ustedes".

"You know what CANT be beat, Eric? The two-for$20 specials at Applebees, I throw the Mrs in the car and we make a night out of it."