
I expect there will be an increased number of “She used to be a Republican/She has horrible foreign policy/She loves Capitalism/She is a Corporate Shill/She is Hillary 2.0" comments across social media.

I’m not going to defend the DNC’s actions in 2016. It’s clear that the old establishment needs to drastically evolve with the voters.

Yup I got it somewhere not here by stating - I would vote for Bernie happily he’d probably be great and obviously better, but sometimes his supporters get a bit too unhinged and it’s really off putting. I could make a criticism of Warren and it goes over fine. I make a criticism, even a minor one, and holy shit. YOU

Look, dumbass - it’s called bodily autonomy - corpses have what you wouldn’t grant to women. Eat a bag of dicks and die. Quicker.

I think they’d have trouble answering you, given that, ya know, they’re unborn and can’t talk

Nobody cares about your forced-birth fetish.

I’m worried the Supreme Court will approve this. Their record is awful. I still remember the case they ruled sectarian prayer before government meetings was fine as long as they tossed in one or two non-Christians per 100 meetings. It didn’t get a ton of press, though it was big in the pagan community because one of

Of course he is, and that is what the stupid full of shit people who put him into power want to see.

Stay tuned for upcoming 2 sentence posts from Katherine Krueger including:

Seriously, though, HAVE you thought about speaking to a professional about your Hillary Clinton obsession?

Clinton lost by 78,000 votes across 3 states. There is enough blame to go around. Sure Clinton deserves some of the blame. As do the Russian trolls. And Comey’s stupid letter.

Good lord you’re fucking dumb as shit.

This post is correct in that Sarandon doesn’t deserve any more heat than anyone else in a position of power who publicly discouraged voting for Hillary, but she gets a disproportionate amount of hate for it. You’re also correct that a lot of this is sexist as fuck.

Jezebel called out the Deadspin writers. Though several Gawker regulars also put their takes in on the Deadspin post. Also to note, not all of the Deadspin writers offered monumentally stupid and selfish takes, most were fine even. But it honestly seemed like the women on the site were upset by the whole premise of

Hillary Clinton lost by only 78,000 votes across 3 states. So fuck people, including Splinter and Sarandon who egged people into either not voting or voting 3rd party. Yes, it did make a difference. So what that Clinton made mistakes during her campaign? That doesn’t excuse doing NOTHING to prevent Trump from being

It wasn’t even just the Jill Stein stuff. There was also the “Clinton will be even worse than Trump” stuff that we all recognized as dumb when Maureen Dowd wrote it. As well as her telling a trans activist fearful for what might happen to them in a Trump administration (this was maybe a week after the election itself)

100% agreed. No she is not responsible for Trump winning, but her scorching hot take on the 2016 election was trash and she deserves to be called out for it endlessly.

Counterpoint: Sarandon is a shithead who told people to vote 3rd party to burn it all down send a message to the establishment. While she was also completely aware that, should Trump end up winning, she would be completely shielded from any of the worst consequences by virtue of her being a rich celebrity who lives

Couple things that are true: