
I also live right where Amazon is setting up in NOVA (literally....Crystal City is a 15min walk.) I’m stoked at what the company is gonna do for the area, cause Crystal City definitely needs a jolt of adrenaline, and yes, the new jobs are great.....but they still did not need the massive tax breaks we gave them.

Definitely cancel the dumbass writers, Martin included.

As a proud library employee, this is all I have to say when small time assholes try to wield power over us:

Imagine what it’s like growing up with one as a parent. I learned what “fermez la bouche” meant, the difference between “lay” and “lie”, and “why on Earth can’t black people just give their kids normal names?!” at a young age. (She doesn’t much care about religious differences, but hoo-boy, most of the bones in her

Maybe you don’t know this, but most people are perfectly capable of being upset by more than one issue at a time. Crazy, right? Someone can be deeply upset at the way human beings AND animals are treated! At the same time!

I really hope everyone in your life knows not to let you around animals.

Prince George and I have the same birthday! I was super stoked about this, thinking my birthday would be like a holiday in the UK when he takes the throne, until I realized that since I’m the same age as his parents, I will very likely be dead by the time this happens. :-(

Still- enjoy the day, royal birthday buddy!

Lol, if they’re so concerned with how a crash might affect someone my size, maybe they could do something to prevent it, like making the sun visor USABLE.

Wow, 20 years? I was 15, and this movie set the tone for what I semi-expected from high school (combined with She’s All That plus a helping of 10 Things I Hate About You), and it was only half wrong. Band camp? Nah man, this one time, on the Speech Team Bus.....

Yes, libraries are full of cold air- some might say freezing cold air that makes it the same temperature as a fridge, and forces the staff to walk around the block once an hour to restore circulation. I’m not speaking out of personal bitterness, nosiree, not at all.
I only manage to read about a book a month since I

I really feel like I dodged a bullet with Max. He and I had an overlapping year in college at Miami, and he became interested in me and persuaded me to go out on a date with him. It was alright, but I told him in no uncertain terms that I was done with the casual hook up culture and was looking for a relationship.

This is a Catholic school, not sure what the students/parents were expecting. Public schools are by no means perfect, but they’d get get better if people like this focused their energy on improving them, instead of acting shocked when a 2,000 year old misogynistic religion says shitty things.

If I remember correctly, that was the problem last time- not a lot of progressives showed up to vote in the primary, and it was an open primary, so any registered voter could participate. The guy running (unopposed) on the Republican ticket was an open Nazi, so conservatives showed up to vote for the DINO in the

Ellie, it sounds like you’re a Ginger- bright red/orangey hair with pale eyes, freckles, and almost non-existent eyebrows/lashes. That’s fine and all, but there’s no need to hate on us Daywalkers- those with darker shades of red, brown eyes, and lighter freckle counts. Just because we *may* have a soul, whereas yall

There are many circumstances in which the withholding of bodily materials, be it bone marrow or a uterus, directly results in the death of another person. What I’m trying to understand is why you consider one “murder” and one not. You bring up responsibility, and it’s true that that can be a logical deciding factor,

This isn’t so much in response to this one comment as it is to all the others made by you in this thread. So, with that being said, a couple of question/points-

You’ve already clearly stated that you think women should be forced to give up bodily autonomy for the 9 1/2 months (the actual time length is usually closer

I don’t even know why I post this, but seeing my comments on my mother from years back make me sad because, while she is doing so much better, our relationship has deteriorated to where we are thisclose to being officially estranged. We see each other 3-4 times a year, for about 40 minutes to an hour or so. We don’t

Nah, this is still some Grade A writing bullshit.

Cercei’s forces did NOT know where she was coming from unless they had some intelligence that told them. Dany could have easily just flown alongside Jon down to Kings Landing- somehow Cersei/Euron knew that not only she was making a pit stop at Dragonstone, but exactly

Yeah, that’s three, count them THREE TIMES Euron’s massive navy has managed to know exactly when and where Dany’s forces would be and get the drop on them. I made a joke literally 30 second before Rheagal was killed that there would be a hidden navy waiting for them.

The writing for the show has gone beyond sloppy. I

Seriously, where is Euron getting his naval information, and why does Dany not even have remotely the same level of info??? Euron has managed to know exactly when and where she’s going to be THREE times now, and she can’t even manage a scout? SMH, it makes no goddamn sense.

This episode was some BULLSHIT.

Either reveal who the traitor in Dany’s camp is, or reveal Euron’s previously hidden telepathic ability to know when and where Dany’s forces are going to be, or reveal that the writers are full of shit and have concocted a scenario where a massive navy has managed to completely surprise