When Keeping It Real Goes Right

It was obviously sarcasm, dumbass.

You woudn’t have done anything either, you fucking racist pussy.

When it comes to looking like a dumbass, you’re clearly a five-star general.

Hot Wheels has been doing it for a while too, but there are identifying marks on the packages if you know what to look for and what it means.

Robert doesn’t know how to do a thumbs-up.

Steve Harvey? Really?

This is by far the most thoughtful and insightful comment on this article, so I’m not surprised to find it stuck in the greys.

Well, I guess that settles it - Amar’e Stoudemire really wants to suck a dick.

LMAO! You’re doing it wrong, champ.

So, you ruined a totally innocent activity for a bunch of kids? Nice parenting.

No, he was appreciated in Utah for being the third-best player (behind two Hall-of-Famers) on a team that was consistently contending and went to back-to-back Finals. Hornacek was very good, and you are a racist dumbfuck.

I truly hope so.

Hey, Tom, fuck you.

This is why you write for Gawker Media instead of a legitimate organization.

Please kill yourself, seriously.

Eat a dick, Barry.

Wow, you’re a fucking cunt, mate. I hope Hulk Hogan takes a shit on your head.

That scene certainly elicits gasps upon first viewing, but taken in context with the rest of the film it is actually a brilliant juxtaposition of the relationship between those two characters. Ronnie is most definitely a clueless loser, but Brandy was a horrible person who took advantage of his infatuation with her

He should’ve known something was up when she was so insistent on getting together with an inconsiderate drunken midget.

I was thinking the same thing at first, but then I realized that most people probably don’t know Christopher’s real name and can only identify him from his iconic role as Shooter.