Haha, dude, her “guy friends” stole her phone.
Haha, dude, her “guy friends” stole her phone.
Oh, cool, I’m happy to hear the pedo you elected was able to save your team. Maybe he can bring the Olympics to your city too, and then it will be more plausible for you to compare it to SLC.
Fuck the police.
Actually, the Mormons are now outnumbered in SLC-proper, and we just elected a lesbian mayor. Sactown’s mayor is a pedophile, and your b-ball team is on its way out of town.
Anchorage?! LMFAO
The constant danger of a home-invasion by Northtown shitheads would probably qualify as “very bad.” All that other stuff is pretty cool though.
I don’t think you understand what the word “city” means.
I love Vegas, but it is a festering shithole of crime and degeneracy. I wouldn’t want to live there.
Yup. Denver is awesome. Oakland is a poophole.
I wish I could star this one million times.
What the fuck are you talking about? There is no law in SLC prohibiting bartenders from making drinks within view of their patrons. Did someone tell you that, or did you just make it up?
Marshall didn’t argue with teammate Darrent Williams, he started shit at the club with the gang members who later retaliated by shooting up the players’ stretch Hummer, killing Williams with bullets that were intended for Marshall. When Marshall was arrested for a DUI at a later date, he bitched at the cops for…