When Keeping It Real Goes Right

Let me tell you a story about Howard Stern.

Dry of alcohol but apparently not of all kinds of drugs. This is a weird take.

EXACTLY!!! ugh you are my new SW best friend. TLJ made the bad guys all laughing stocks. Each big mean first order leader was laughable overconfident and then got their ass handed to them. Then Hux and his comedic submissions to Kylo Ren and all that. There is no fear there—only idiocy. It’s a wonder how the First

You somehow have the mistaken impression that JJ plans ANYTHING. He isn’t about planning, he’s about mood and the build up of a mystery. He doesn’t actually care if the reveal of the mystery makes any sense or is even interesting.

This, so much this. It’s frustrating the discussions about this movie keeps getting framed like it’s between Whiney Nostalgic MRA Internet Crybabies vs. Super Cool Reviewers Who Gave It A 10. That’s just not where the problem lies.

The movie had some good things, some interesting fresh takes and was visually perfect.

“I saw Last Jedi at one of the earliest public showings. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it but I know I didn’t love it. That was a weird feeling for me. I felt deflated. After so much anticipation, and so many years spent obsessing over this franchise, I didn’t immediately fall in love with the latest installment.”


Can someone help with the point of this new trilogy? It’s literally just the same thing as before, with a different cast.

That’s the only explanation that isn’t completely out of left field and makes sense.

It was Palpatine/ Darth Sidious.

They broke the third wall though as did most of the “comedy” in the movie. It’s too forced and lame.

I don’t know why or how people put their own limits on what The Force can do. It’s explained in the OT that it is literally the manipulation of the universe when someone uses it.

So Johnson does that and then some. First of all, there’s the idea that Yoda can manipulate the real world from beyond the grave.

Hmm, I’m surprised so many people are shocked at these powers. From the point of view of someone familiar with the Expanded universe it doesn’t break my suspension of disbelief at all. Leia used a Jedi Healing Trance to survive the vacuum of space for a minute or so, then used Force Telekinesis to pull herself back to

And moves a branch as he walks around to sit on the log.

There’s so much drama being invented around the various events in the film, all pointing towards a narrative of “old fans hate the new movie because they’re old!”

The Forcetime [love it] element was an absolutely terrific device for getting the protagonist and the antagonist together to talk. Too many movies fail their villains by not letting them engage and try to see each others’ points of view, and when they don’t the audience won’t. This was a great way to have multiple

Well, we already knew that force ghosts could interact with the real world. In Jedi, Force-Ghost Kenobi sits on a real log.

I have zero issues with the Force as portrayed in TLJ. Every film save for the prequels builds on it and this was no different.

The audience I watched with in the theater seemed appalled that their kids were seeing this in Star Wars