Wheelsy McGee

This guy would rank 26th out of 30th in coherent Kaepernick takes but this cunt still has a job, so.....

Meh, just match-fix more

Four days old.

Any danger of MLB including the first pitch in their fucken video for context?

So half of the US is racist?

no fucking way is she 78...

The Mooch 100% absolutely sexually assaulted a girl in college.

why isn’t this a Linkin Park song ffs

How the fuck is he going to pass a physical???!

More of a sport than that shit on Compete

I mean anyone can pull up from 3 (well except for Lonzo I guess) but watching his basketball accumen and ability to fling passes you can’t see at home... The kid was great to watch

It’s tennis and all other suggestions are wrong

He may have stepped away from baseball, but you can be sure he’ll be waiting and watching In The Shadows...

nah I’ll accept tennis.

No, because he watched the fight with his fucking eyes

You have a large Mexican population too but some, including the president, seem to think of that a reason to root against people

Question is: why are all these yanks hugging the nuts of Pacquiao?

But I thought this fight was going to be trash and not at all worth watching?

great take dickhead

English is the national language of Singapore you racist fuck