This is the dumbest fucking post ever.
This is the dumbest fucking post ever.
Another dumb-as-fuck unwritten rule of baseball I never understood.
Kinda like how Deadspin has completely ignored the Greg Howard story?
Greg Howard
Greg Howard up to much these days?
Apart from the touching women bit.
Like sexual harassment from their work colleagues who may or may not be named Greg Howard?
Gawker: Sexual assault is bad, here’s a post about literally any public figure who has allegedly committed an offense
Pretty sure you guys didn’t have a bad word to say about Greg Howard on the way out
Where’s the Greg Howard article you fucking cowards
You’re the sucker
It looks like free health care and not getting massacred by assault weapons.
harden up.
Maybe pay a subeditor then.
Combined no-hitters aren’t a fucking thing anyway
who gives a shit