Pacquiao is a historically great fighter, maybe one of the 50 best ever
Pacquiao is a historically great fighter, maybe one of the 50 best ever
He’s big on BML
But Mourinho has never really been fond of “a tax” has he?
Hey Zach
Lebron James.
Literally 99.53% of raspberries are the most sour foodstuff available.
ah ha ha
I am deeply uncomfortable with this post just after Memorial Day weekend.
Sorry but most of these are crap!
“Being a dad is everything I’ve wanted in life. I wanted to be a sportscaster since I was five but before that I wanted to be a dad.”
Good stroke
Suck it up and earn some points on the 250s, champ.
You’re kidding, right?
I use VO guys in my television job and they are amazingly talented. It’s not just rock up and talk in the deepest voice possible — they have to be able to impersonate and follow such meaningless directions as “yeah that’s good, but it needs to be a bit more trans-Atlantic. You know, a bit more…
“This is why I always gotta ask to sit in the front seat of an Uber, even if the driver looks at me funny for it.”
Kaeden deserves to be bullied to within an inch of his life.
Obvious match-fixing
Oh look, the blog that named itself after ESPN is hanging shit on it again...
lol no