Wheels VS Wheelchair Jimmy

I live in Tennessee so some people who can evacuate are heading into this area. I saw a local hotel offering a special rate for evacuees. It was still $100 a night at the fucking Holiday Inn that will surely have a lot of unsold rooms at any rate. Like how TF can people afford that? Some of my friends who wanted to

I am always pissed off when people are all “Why didn’t they just leave?” Well, let me tell you as someone who could have been in that position. Where are you going to go? You don’t have a car...you rely on public transportation...whoops..that’s stopped running. Maybe you have relatives that can come get you, but

“I just want ice cream...” then you do NOT want Halo Top. It is as far from actual ice cream as you can get. IOW, this stuff is pathetically putrid.

Also white illegal immigrants. From Ireland and the like. Never hear about them (not that I want to in this way).

They always are. Look back to Rush talking shit about druggies, or preacjers telling you to not have sex w/o marriage.

Now playing

And yet he had a lot to say about Anthony Weiner. Hypocrite.

Like I said before. This was racist and purposely targeted Hispanic people because thats the scapegoat Trump and the GOP are using right now. Nearly all of the Dreamers were model citizen but it didnt help. Hell a lot of the Asian communities, specifically Thai, Cambodian, Filipino etc have illegal immigration. But to

I think everyone should absolutely upfront ask for this information if they want it. Because it will tell their date that they’re batshit insane. And if the date answers enthusiastically it means they’re equally insane and the chart might not be needed because they’re super compatible.

Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?

They all but shit bricks when she suggested healthy eating and exercise to reduce childhood obesity. The people who want to tell women what to do with their bodies were screaming, “How dare you tell us/our kids what to do?”

Yeah, remember when eating healthy was politicized too. Michelle Obamma tried to encourage kids and family to eat healthily and GOP all came out and opposed her.

This is literally the house that Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield grow up to live in.

The inside’s like if my fifth grade Trapper Keeper and my fourth grade Caboodle had a baby. But it’s a house.

I know I shouldn’t be amazed by a performer having different looks but wow, she looks so girl-next-door cute in the show and so glam here.

Here’s a thought. Get behind early sex education, free and abundant birth control, and plenty of low cost child care.

Here’s real courage and generosity. They’re going to get slammed for this, but they’re doing it anyway because it’s right.

On a very deep level, I am morbidly curious as to what Ashlee and Diana and/or Ashlee and Tracee talk about at family functions.

IMO she’s his guardian trying to hide his clearly deteriorating mind. Dementia/Alzheimers/frontal lobe failure etc. Same reason she went to the G20 meeting and not Orange.  

Their grandchildren are probably going to be assholes anyway.

I don’t understand what these people think the future will be like with what they are doing. They must just not give a shit about their own grandchildren.