Wheels VS Wheelchair Jimmy

There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Boy, one thing that is just shocking is I never pictured the military repeatedly and openly questioning their commander and chief like this. The military is famous for keeping their collective mouths shut, at least publicly, and just following their orders. Not this time though. They are showing open contempt and it’s

I will point and laugh at Sarah Palin, who is politically irrelevant.

“I have been surprised by the number of 40-something or 50-something-year-old men who have gotten out of a race car, however many spots behind me on the track, and tried to give me advice as to what I can do better next time,”

It’s mostly Catholic and there’s a church on every block but nobody seems to be religious in the sense southerners are. They keep it to themselves, which is as it should be.

Yep. Just a great movie.

He’s also evil, which means he’ll live forever.

He’s 85 and obese. Pretty sure he’ll die of a heart attack before the primaries.

Actions apparently don’t have consequences — at least not for Joe Arpaio.

Jurassic Park holds up extremely well, honestly. The female lead is wearing sensible clothes given her profession and no one stops her from doing her job because she’s a woman. The young girl is the hacker and Goldblum is the shirtless eye candy. All the dinosaurs are female!

Give a racist a pardon and he’ll take a Senate seat ... or something like that. But as disappointing as this development is, at least we can take heart in the fact that Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Jeff Flake are deeply concerned. Not enough to do anything, but really ... deeply concerned.

Reese Witherspoon - as a producer - seems to have really astute taste and gets her hands on quality material. This sounds like a fascinating redemption story (redemtion from the self-appointed redeemers, yet).

Always relevant.

As a New Jersey-ite, all I can remember is most of these mofos doing their best to block aid to desperate people after Hurricane Sandy. We should help Houston ONLY in exchange for them leaving the GOP and their climate denying, aid-withholding representatives. Tough love.

I’m probably a terrible fucking person but I am having a real hard time summoning forth any sympathy for a portion of the people effected by this hurricane. The undocumented immigrants fleeing from the storm that are still being arrested by ICE? Yeah, I feel bad for them. The sick, the poor, the children? I feel bad

jesus h christ Trump’s tweets. it sounds like he’s live-tweeting a football game.

One thing I do take enjoyment from in all of this horrid nightmare, is how Republicans have shown that they will even gladly piss on the grave of St. Ronnie if it gets them what they want.

I laughed at the dancers’ “I <3 TS” shirts. I do think Taylor reads all the comments.

The video is much more self-aware than the lyrics, which is good.