Katrina II: The Legend of FEMA’s Gold.
Katrina II: The Legend of FEMA’s Gold.
The original pic was shared in a public Facebook post from the daughter of the nursing home owner/manager. She was pleading for help. And what were half of the comments? People insisting that the picture was fake.
I’m so glad that they’re safe but it feels weird to think a viral tweet is the way to get emergency crew to come quickly.
Yeah, I’m sure a big fan was blowing wind so that BIG BREAD and BIG BOTTLED WATER could line their pockets, smh.
Man who loves his own voice cares little for people caught in a Hurricane.
Gerrymandering doesn’t affect presidential elections.
You’d think all the money Texas saves by banning abortions, keep transsexuals out of bathrooms, and making sure you can walk into TGIFridays with you AR-15, they would have enough money to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
Texas, a Trump state, a state that denies global warming, most awesome of all: a state whose officials wanted to deny relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy. Now would be a good time to invite them to secede.
“FEMA’s going to be there for years” FEMA director Brock Long told CNN this morning.
Counterpoint: No, they do not.
I think people warm up to his work ethic and trajectory. He came from wrestling, seems up for anything as long as he’s acting, looks grateful for his achievements... Cruise doesn’t have that feelgood thing going on, and while Smith has all the charisma and comedic timing in the world he spent too long being picky…
The whole thing reminds me of when Brittany the ditzy cheerleader on Daria went goth for an evening.
I thought this part of the interview was even worse...
When they were kids, if one of my sons had needed glasses, my reaction would’ve been more along the lines of, “Well shit I wonder how many times I gonna have to replace these before he gets a full time job of his own.”
Yeah, wtf was that? I use glasses (well actually contacts these days), and I have since I was little. It’s mildly inconvenient, not heartbreaking.
“It would be a good feeling to just live a normal life for a second.”
You know that scene from Broadcast News where they’re editing that report to the very last possible second? Holly Hunter is completely cool about it but Joan Cusack is hyperventilating and screaming “We’re never gonna make it!” Robert Mueller is Holly Hunter and I and a lot of other people are Joan Cusack.
“Talk to women like they’re normal people” is great advice, but I’d add the caveat that you need to let them get a word in edgewise. I’ve known so many nerds who just wanted to ramble on about their hobbies without stopping to see if the woman had opinions on physics or Starcraft, too.
I dare you to put up a national monument to Trump. We as a nation don’t have enough public toilets.