Yeah, what do you want from the world?
Yeah, what do you want from the world?
Guy who enjoys mindless repetition, empty lyrics, and random ‘tourette’s-like’ outbursts of ‘skrrrrt’ in his hip hop writes scathing article about person who represents the exact opposite. So incredibly cutting edge and just what we should expect from a master of internets.
There’s two separate things:
It looks like a Chinese knockoff of a GMC Yukon.
claims that it allowed borrowers to “make interest-only monthly payments without explaining that doing so would increase the total cost of the loan
What’s the point of this article? Pettiness? Envy? Jealousy? Gotta knock a rich white boy down? Is this ‘journalism’?
Look, I’m a huge MCU fan from the get-go (loyal Agents of Shield viewer here), but honestly, Black Panther was not Oscar-worthy and this is all a lot of noise about nothing. After all the hype and Brinks trucks rolling up to Disney’s house, it was really just an average origin story movie between two characters that…
It’s not. This is an ad masquerading as an article.
This is jalopnik damnit, not CNN or jezebel. If anyone would jump at the chance to use “shooting brake” in a title it would be here. Come on Justin, do you even car geek bro?
His TG/GT persona is just for shits and giggles.
4. The November election will be a huge test for Dem midterm turnout. If they can’t get people to the polls in this election, nothing will get them there and we’ll have to wait for the slow shift in demographics to give us an advantage. Primary turnout is a good indicator, but isn’t a guarantee.
+1. Any liberal minded individual who feels energized by articles like this has not spent enough time out of the bubble. Trump and his supporters are already planning 2020 and even 2024. Yes, I know that would be a third term, that’s how energized they are. I predict a second term for Trump and an attempt at…
Golf thinks you suck.
Bank Error in your favor. Collect $150,000 from other players.
your car is a deadly weapon, the driver had just used it to hit another car, I am 100% okay with the police officer drawing his weapon on the driver of the car.
I think what you’re trying to say is that most animal meat is delicious, which is the One True Take.
BBC is known for pounding its subjects hard and at great length