That’s fine and all, but can someone explain HOW Gwen Stefani is 48 YEARS OLD?
That’s fine and all, but can someone explain HOW Gwen Stefani is 48 YEARS OLD?
I think even better than “irony” is “hypocrisy”, because that’s one of the basic principles of this sub.
No food in my car.
Well, faking an injury to gain an advantage or allow time to run is shitty behavior, but it’s shitty behavior that everyone accepts.
I can’t say “fake” because it’s obviously real footage, but the camera angle makes this look much more steep than it actually is.
I’m really good at throwing up and don’t get grossed out by sights, smells, or sounds of bodily functions. Considering that, along with the fact that I am an extremely impatient person, I’d have to say that I would take the barf flight as long as it was 6 hours or less.
You know when you see video of an animal shelter and everything is sad and it almost makes your eyes misty and you whisper, “I wish that I could take all of you home with meeeeeee”?
Just bought a 2018 around Thanksgiving.
I don’t think that immigrants are any more dangerous than the kid next door, but if you’re here illegally, you should be booted and forced to attain citizenship like the millions of other people who have gone though the process and come to this country. I don’t care about your color, nationality, or religious…
How is this not AT LEAST reckless endangerment? Those guards are right in front of the doors. There are tons of pedestrians right there. Walmart and the cops should be laying it to this asshole.
I can tell that you’d like for me to be upset by this, but nah.
I love this.
So, what do you propose we do with people who accept goods and/or services, then refuse to pay their debts and put forth the absolute minimum “effort” into making arrangements to resolve the situation?
If the inventory sat for any amount of time, the bugs likely found the vehicles and decided to use them to overwinter.
Shut up, nerd.
I love what this person did and I hope that Brady absolutely HATES that it happened.
And you seem like a shitty parent with a shitty kid.
And I appreciate that.
That’s fine and all, but when your kid is having that meltdown, you’d better get him or her out of there. Fuck the parents who let their child sit there and scream its head off or climb the walls or knock over everything in sight. If I have to snatch your little shit up by the collar, things are going to get a lot…