
I saw it with someone who knew little-to-nothing about the MCU and she was fine. Yes, there were lots of questions over dinner, but it didn’t interfere with her ability to enjoy it. There were clear good guys and clear bad guys. She yelled and applauded in the big battle scene at the end when Cap gets the hammer and

Honestly, stuff like this is why i have a hard time respecting NASCAR. I recognize the drivers are good, the tracks tough, and the cars fast; but that lead image of them all refusing to go on track pretty much kills any respect i could have. The fact that NASCAR leadership pushed for group qualifying and refused to

The problem with trying to improve the dealer experience is that at the end of the day it is still a dealer experience. The weakest link in the customer service experience is the bit that directly interacts with the customer. If Ford can somehow change that...

Everyone is going crazy about the teeth, but for me the worst part of the trailer is Jim Carrey’s insanely unfunny “witty” dialogue with General Damien Dah’rk.

This is honestly the most profound evidence that God doesn't exist. Or at least any kind of benevolent one. 

It was foretold that someday something would come along to make the Super Mario Brothers movie look amazing. Rejoice brothers and sisters, that day has arrived!

I always imagined some kind of tiny kite could be dragged along at speed to produce this footage.

I totally agree. Don’t most workers have unemployment insurance “premiums” taken out of their paycheck? Bizarre that he wouldn’t reclaim something that he already paid for.

I love everything about this, and just know, there are a lot of us out there like you. I graduated from a “Public Ivy”, did my thing for a few years, went to get my MBA, then 9/11 happened, and every company in the United States stopped hiring. For more than a decade, my best paying job was my summer internship.

My friend. We have a parallel timeline and story. Though I was 10 years older. My life was graphic/web design, marketing/advertising. And I was good at it. Landed my career-job in 2008. Helped a regional company expand from 50 to 80 stores (from about 50M to 85M revenue). In about 2 years time, being honest, the

I think a lot of people want to get into Journalism so they can have a byline and be remembered in a way after they die, or be seen as more important somehow than their peers because people read what they have to say. It’s the closest way a person can realistically get to becoming a celebrity without doing the whole

First of all, I really needed to read this, so thank you for writing it. Careerism is a big thing, especially in my age group (mid-30's), and I’m stuck in a dead-end job. I wanted to be a writer and hate telling people that I’m basically a secretary. But there is nobility in all work and someone has to do these

When you left sportswriting, do they make you delete all of the Bruce Springsteen out of your iTunes library?

Maybe not a multicopter, but that is totally do-able with other RC equipment. It would also be very easily programmable assuming weather conditions are permitting. 

At that one of the young women sneered at him. “DO YOU KNOW WHAT COLLEGE I GRADUATED FROM?!?”

Can’t wait for a yellow flag caused by the drone crashing into the track, a car, pit crew ... oh shit, I just gave them more ideas on how to make the finish “exciting” and allow their favorite driver to unlap himself.

That is the craziest thing about this. Oh, I’ve got another damn gear for when i’m running in the 200s.

This was the part that got me. The driver SHIFTED at over 200 mph. I’d be too terrified to move a muscle at that point

Yup, otherwise people would just find the steepest grade with wind at their back and hurl themselves down it. Two ways ensures it’s the car doing the record breaking, not the environment.