
Simply being a fan doesn’t mean they own stock in the company and need to put on a happy face regardless. Being a Porsche “fanboy” could also allow LeBlanc to comment on what he feels is right and wrong with the new build.

Hey! I saw a video of a car doing that once. Just once though. Sort of like that disappearing act from a cartoon.

I still wish they expanded more on Rebirth :/

Awesome work by the cops.

Now playing

I think that song was done by the same guys who did the rave classic James Brown is Dead:

This is unrelated to the main topic at hand, but man. As a mostly casual fan of the Mortal Kombat games, it didn’t really sink in till just now, but that logo is just so damn great. Phenomenal. I guess there’s a reason it’s endured for 20+ years.

obo, willnot trade, ran when parked just needs new bttry, knw w8 worth, number: 0 zero 1 three 1834, wrk 6am-10pm. txt only no tyre kikers 

I did it.

Good news!

I would need two blowjobs to take one of those.

Getting mine on black friday I cant wait :D

The three Mustangs in red, white & blue was so ridiculously over the top, it crossed the line twice and became awesome again.

I love her. I love her acting* and I love her bland music. Come at me bruh.

First taping of TG USA, Andy Wilman asked how many people from Final Gear where there, and thanked them.

Blizzard makes so much money, they can easily do a tv series. Its a low risk, high reward. It already has a massive following and the story of the game is perfect to be set as a tv series. As shown with the mini series blizzard has already done, they can easily extend each episode to 22 minutes like every other tv

I believe that is uhhh the joke

Can’t stop won’t stop!

Knowing the OW fandom, I’m going to guess this is automatically canon.

Your mom is the roundest celestial object ever measured.