
No web-poll ?

If you want to look at it from the monetary perspective, it might be a good for him in the long run too. I’m sure those tweets were offensive to a lot of Mexicans. If he continued to support the sponsor after those tweets, his own personal brand might be hurt. And if that’s the case, the value in sponsoring him

Worse than being unfunny, IT WASN’T EVEN IN ENGLISH. Sad.

I don’t think they’re taking the challenge lightly, but this Peugeot Sport. They were the absolute masters of the Paris-Dakar when it was in Africa and it only took them two tries to win the South American version. Plus they have a cracking team of drivers.

I’m not person who hollers names at folks. I’m really not, but I tend to not think it’s such a big deal, because as a middle aged gay man, I’ve been called it all so many times I learned to just walk it off long ago. I lived and it toughened me up. In the last month I’ve been called “faggot” and “dirty little queer”

technic system > studs

YES! It IS a good day for Keaton, and Mr. Mom in particularToday, I woke up and was like this

Depp’s Wonka was a creepy, socially-awkward weirdo with serious daddy issues. Wilder’s Wonka was quick on the uptake, didn’t suffer fools, spoke four languages, and routinely quoted Shakespeare.

So, down with tolerating people who you don’t agree with? Down with equal rights? Rah Rah Discrimination!

So Keaton is playing a bird man. Why does that sound familiar?

My God! You’re right....twice!

No one. Not at all.

Nope, remake had enough backstory as it is.

I am so fucking down for that. I hope it gets recorded and subbed.

Any news about Beat Takeshi involvement?

Good point. Current events may induce a powerful ennui.

Here’s looking forward to eliminating: FDA, EPA, USDA, SEC, FTC, FCC, FAA, NASA, NIH, Department of Education, support for PBS, non-retirement Social Security. All are better handled by private organizations. Like Trump University.