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NFS Heat is actually good, or at least I found it to be hella good and a good start point. The customization is both fun and not locked behind a paywall like other stupid games from EA’s stable, the driving works for me and the whole XP system gets tense when I’m so close to fucking things up for me. If they can do

I swear I saw that drawing somewhere in which I think Tifa was on Cloud’s shoulders kissing Aerith who’s by the window, and Cloud’s like got a peace sign up, but now I can’t find it.

This is actually my endgame in life. Not fame, just enough fortune to come up with something like this for my own cars.

Knowing Japan, they won’t. At least not the veneer of it. Underneath it’d be a 58th-century super-headquarters that’d be bigger inside than it is outside.

That’s PRECISELY why Del Toro didn’t bother including Japan. Japan already knows how to deal with Kaiju AND Godzilla is a Japanese citizen.

They could do it deployed as the fin funnels, but not mounted onto the back.

Persona would be a massive shock to many at first, but thinking back, there’s a lot of merit to exalting both the story and gameplay of the last three Persona games.

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You just reminded me of that Ahoy documentary about the first video game.

If we were to do retroactive Hugo Awards for games, what do you think will be the winners for every year up until 1985/86?

Yes! The new Nissan Z has now unlocked Super Saiyan Red! And unlike the GT-R, which took some time and a few iterations, this seems like NISMO taking what they’ve learned since 2014 and going at it straight-up. Gonna reserve judgement on looks until I see Calsonic Blue, though, and its true performance remains to be

I’m just happy this is even getting made into a Tomica at all. That’s how I’m experiencing the STO, and why supercars still excite me to this day. Also, snazzy review.

They could probably get with it and be no big deal afterwards, but I like the DoomSamus ship more.

Yeah, I’d imagine this is still a piece of cake and I reckon Nintendo will be keen on making sure Prime 4 can stand toe-to-toe with nuDOOM as an experience, so compressing Prime 4 will be the true test assuming Nintendo goes all out on a Metroid FPS (they will, right?).

Part of that is because, really, most guys just suck at it. The whole “men trash” thing not only has a basis in reality, it’s harder to chip away at that perception than the FGC’s own perceptions about Smash. Unless we directly acknowledge it head-on, most guys (even me) are part of the problem, not the solution, and

Yeah, I reckoned as much. The IR-01 will still live, at least until somehow iRacing bags the 2004 or 2002 Ferrari.

I can only ever say this project is complete once this car drops on a DLC package for GT7 that also includes the Honda RA272 and Sportsland SUGO.


On one hand, I’m happy that you Americans colonized us for just ~40 years and not 330+. On the other hand, the rest of you have to explain to me why you find these delicious.

  1. Hypercar beta-test: passed! That’s enough. That’s fucking enough. It’s a shame that only one of the teams here get to sell the car as a road-going, street-drivable machine, but the simple thing is that the ACO made LMH work for 24 hours. It’s all we wanted to see, all Peugeot and Ferrari wanted to see, and that means

And now, reality bites Señor Glickenhaus. SCG-708 and SCG-709 are two laps down, but given how early we still are in the race, I reckon they’re still okay. Also, Toyota have at least pulled up two laps over LMP2, which is good enough for what is effectively a beta-test of the new class at Le Mans.