
But what if it was for Metroid Prime 4?

He also looks like fighting game legend Daigo Umehara.

Yeah he can definitely go wild. Unlike Pokchop. Do not be like Pokchop.

The difference is how fast they were going. Even with rider armor being as advanced as it is now, Fenati pulled Manzi’s brake lever at speeds far greater than anyone on the pro peloton can dream of. I’m on the fence on whether or not this is a murder attempt, but one guy could have died right there.

Genuine, morbid, too-afraid-to-ask question: what if it was just one plane and only one plane that hit the World Trade Center? No coordinated attack, no extra plans to hit the Pentagon?

If I was in Manzi’s position I’d have probably sued him. But someone with better knowledge than I do can fill me in on whether or not it’s even possible, or how far I can take Fenati to court.

It’s technically a 50/50 chance, but this time I’m betting on the Crystal Chronicles getting round the world.

This write-up could either age well or poorly in a few years (betting on the former). But it does seem as if Ford is just winging it, doing all they can to please the stock market. To what end?

If you’ve managed to live a normal life while playing Stardew Valley I reckon you’d survive with Civ 6.

MIBR (Made in Brazil) is the team that I reckon gets to what I mean. It works both as a national name and as a gaming clan name.

Valid point.

Still not feeling the city names. Like, it doesn’t have a sort of closeness to the eSports product as, say, Virtus.Pro or Fnatic. I get what they’re trying to do, but I think pro gaming has different branding needs compared to regular sports. Spitball idea, though.

Dang it I wish they were just called OpTic or something. I still find city names in eSports strange.

Because contrary to popular depiction, junker pricing in Jakku is actually fair. I should know; I sell old war equipment there at competitive rates, better than most developing star systems.

OK I want to see something like this shooped on a V90 camper-thing. For no reason.

202mph? Huh. I guess I underestimated the 488 Challenge.

Oh fuck it’s like the Toyota CH-R but worse.

Step 1: buy Ariel

Call the TAY cavalry, too.