
Let me go for a ride in a stanced VW.

That’s literally what recalls are.

The Green New Deal is shite, as everyone is well aware. What is going to happen, is these youths are going to go all in for it, it will fail miserably, and they will lose faith in the system, since they think they are entitled to whatever they want.

a suggestion for a title revision...

Can we stop listening to kids that don’t know anything and think they are owed everything? Move out of your parents house, get a job and a family, support yourself fully for a minimum of 10 years, then we can talk about how the world works and how we can improve it. Until then, shut up and don’t pretend you know

It’s also incredibly challenging to translate suicidal ideations to suicide risk.

From the Department of Health, New York City: The initial child with measles was unvaccinated and acquired measles on a visit to Israel, where a large outbreak of the disease is occurring.”

Discojoe -- this is not recommended. 😳

Yes. Vaccination is not 100% effective. 1 dose is about 93% effective, 2 doses about 97% effective. When enough vaccinated people get exposed to enough carriers, some will contract measles. In fact, some of the people who contracted measles in the PNW had one dose of vaccine.

Thank you for acknowledging that context is critical with language. Otherwise, we’d have commenters here pretending that the intended meaning of language is always universal, which would be silly.

Even when insulting someone, context always matters. I can’t believe any adult needs this explained. He wasn’t insulting the LGBT community, he wasn’t insulting a gay individual. He was using language commonly used to describe someone who’s being a dick, abrasive, an asshole, etc. We all know this, it’s disingenuous

You’re saying a good natured jab among friends... isn’t what it... is? But that’s just you the Kotaku commenter guy saying that. Your statement has no meaning to anyone else, you can’t define other people’s intentions for them; they define it. I’m homophobic for using a word, am I? But I’m not, so no to that.

I’ll use whatever language I like, and I encourage others to do the same. Context context context. We know what the word means, we know that for instance in public certain speech is going to be damaging, while in other contexts it may be fine.

The particular word you’re referencing here was incredibly popular (and accepted) as an insult when I was in high school in the 90s. It was also fairly common to refer to something that was stupid, undesirable, or bad as “so gay.”

Context matters, otherwise, you’re now just as guilty and deserving of punishment for using “cock-sucking stream sniper fag” even if you put it in quotes.

You must have either not read my clarifying points, or chosen to ignore portions of them, because I am not defending the use of the term.

If you are looking to pointlessly insult, then please do read in full and at least make an attempt to understand it.

so when you call someone a M-F’er you’re really implying they have sex with their mom? Next up is Bitch, Sucks etc.

Context context context. We all know he didn’t get on Twitch to deliver a full-throated anti-gay rant denigrating those in the LGBT community out of hand. We know this because we’re adults who understand context. The meaning of words changes depending on context, no one should need to have this explained to them. Even

Derogatory in any context? I use this word with my friends all the time in a non-derogatory context. So, no to that argument. When I use it, it’s not delivered with the intention of being homophobic, nor received as such. As with all other language, context matters. But please, tell me what my words mean when I use

Really, you can’t understand the hate? It’s absolutely incomprehensible to you as to why this system is a flop and people refuse to support it?

Really, you can’t understand the hate? It’s absolutely incomprehensible to you as to why this system is a flop and