I don't know if anybody brought this up (and I'm not wading through 272 comments to check) but in the extreme cold, those little TPMS buggers will light up all the damn time - for no reason.
I don't know if anybody brought this up (and I'm not wading through 272 comments to check) but in the extreme cold, those little TPMS buggers will light up all the damn time - for no reason.
fantastic - according to the "always-correct" google translate ;-)
That is a million kinds of خيالي
The 1964 1/2 Ford Mustang had a generator, as opposed to an alternator. It's the only difference between it, and the 1965 car.
Cecil was clearly using his massive heavy balls as ballast, to ensure he stayed in place.
Are you new here?
The blue colour is awesome (and that's coming from a Rosso Corsa purist). The rest of it will require significant amounts of eye-bleach on my part.
Scroll down the linked Facebook page and you'll find that it's an Audi TT.
I say my good man, let us retire to the parlour for some ribaldry and nonsensical whimsy. Whereupon we can depart to the stables, push our horseless carriage out into the garden, mount up and gaddabout the countryside. We shall stop in at the vicarage, berate him on his mad, foppish ways, return home and spend the…
Except that he's right. At best the residents are exhibiting extreme NIMBYism. At worst they're a bunch of white-bred, old-money, racist assholes. If the police and the "Gulfies" claim nobody's actually asked them to stop or filed a complaint, then the residents are full of shit.
The Lambo is wrapped and car vinyl is really tough. As long as he doesn't drop the shovel on the car, there won't be a problem.
Subtle #COTD
Jet boat. No prop. Shallow draft. No problem. Boat is fine.
Because open-wheel-winter-weather racecar. That was awesome.
And the point of this is... what exactly?
I just said the same thing. Only I want a blue one.
I would love to do this but can't make it run. Is this a Chrome issue?