You can totally see the lineage though.
I do agree that some key things should be similar. For instance, tachometers should be "Porsche-style"; large and in the centre of the cluster. Also, everybody should use proper English spelling on the dash; not that there are a lot of colours, harbours, neighbours, atomisers, customisers, and appetisers on the modern…
Sorry Jason, but I totally disagree. I like the quirky lay-outs of some cars. It keeps things interesting. I like that I can sit in my father-in-law's Acura MDX, my Tundra, my buddy's F-150, and another friend's Land Rover and have something different to look at and play with in each vehicle. Sure, they're all about…
I get that people want to die "doing what they love". However, I have no desire to go out in a blaze of carnage; that someone else will have to clean-up and then deal with the psychological aftermath of seeing my destroyed body. Let's assume that I'll be cognizant enough to know when to give up driving. I have no…
Because abandoned dogs need homes. Our Zeke would have been put down if we hadn't adopted her 12 years ago. She's a critical part of our family.
Um, well, likeohmygodthatpolejustcameoutofnowhereandmycarwhoicallprincessjustliketotallydroveintoit? Fer. Real.
Uh. Jalops... FYI, Tesla is looking for "Contract vehicle test operators" ie/ test drivers, right now. There are two contracts open in California.
Multi-language keyboard. Sometimes when you flick the switch for special characters etc... the font will change randomly. Also, even though he's 103, I'm guessing that he doesn't speak perfect English. I'd guess that this is a hastily-typed, self-translated note.
I could defend it. But I won't.
I might do this with my kids. Call them all N (our last name starts with N).
Nice. Watching the girl get slapped around was particularly edifying.
Sorry. Was having a shitty day at work. Shouldn't have taken it out on you. Peace.
Best of luck.
We have three or four in town. They are in enclosed, heated garages with heavy vinyl curtains separating the bays. I like the self wash because it lets me guarantee that I'm getting between the cab and the bed, inside the bumpers. inside the wheel spokes etc...
Depends on where you live. Here in Central Alberta we get real winter and all the crud/salt/brine that goes along with keeping roads driveable. I go to the self-wash (big garage with the built-in pressure washers) and spray my whole truck every 10 days or so. I pay close attention to the undercarriage as there are…
Law 1. I have a tank
Good try, but totally wrong.