
I've been on bike paths, in bike lanes, or hard shoulders and had people fuck with me while I'm riding my bike; including throwing bottles, and trying to run me off a bridge. Like I'm not even in their way, just "fuck you for riding a bicycle." They are literally, in no uncertain terms, out to get you.

No, I meant as a an extremely over-confident male who acts like he knows everything and showcases his arrogance in the face of everyone else who calls him out on his bullshit.

Eh, wheatieboy. I guess we'll have to just stop by Tim's and talk about how we're not America between us.


The Alaskan fishermen should give up the Bering Sea and buy this Caddy instead. They will be fishing crabs out of the seats all day.

If I were retired, and didn't give a fuck about being anywhere on time, I would park in the spot right behind them, sit on a nearby bench with my AARP magazine, and wait.

Hey bro. You're a real piece of shit!

So you'd rather encourage violence by allowing this old bastard to have what is quite obviously a racial slur on his license plate? The fact is, when you're out in public you should have the common decency to control what you say, do, and display. Instead, people take the constitution far too literally and believe

I bet this will be the first Valentine's night that I have a nightmare and wake up screaming.

Drink more.