There is huge debate here over the twinning of Hwy 63. Many claim it won't solve the core problem which is too many people, too tired, going too fast. There is a driver education component and a work-safe component that isn't being addressed here.
There is huge debate here over the twinning of Hwy 63. Many claim it won't solve the core problem which is too many people, too tired, going too fast. There is a driver education component and a work-safe component that isn't being addressed here.
Doesn't make the joke any less funny. This is about the setup and punchline, not the pedantic details of what car appeared in what year.
Yep. #COTD for sure. That was supremely well set-up and delivered.
Nice and succinct. Well done as usual Alpha
Should he have tried to stop the beating?
Damn hippies
Keep talking.
It was totally out of taste by the old guard. That's part of why he did it. I once read an account of Lennon pulling up near Hyde Park and getting yelled at by a little old lady who was totally offended by it.
A guy from Alberta, Del Ushenko (who's the cousin of a good friend of mine) built Billy Gibbons' Slampala. While not as ridiculous as the Cadzzilla, it's a class ride.
With regard to the John Lennon Rolls:
I'm just a pinniped
Don't show this to any family featured on that terrible "Doomsday Preppers" show. Next thing you know, some idiot will outfit the family Camry with hub spears and a flame-thrower.
But it's not a piece of shit.
Yeah, but it was a shitty car.
How long do you think it took the car to contract an STD? How long until it kills Tyler in retribution?
Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it.
But, if you're trying to sell a car to the sheeple, that will get them from A to B, with decent mileage and low cost-to-operate, and with a good warranty then it's a good car.
That's kinda my point. This question needed to be answered as if we were rating for CR. They are great at rating good vs bad cars. They have no clue how to rate fun, entertaining, and pull-at-your-heartstrings.
I'm sorry, but the list was supposed to be "Bad Cars". The Corrola is not a "BAD" car, per se. It's probably one of the most reliable auto-mobiles on the road.