
Pop quiz hotshot. There's a car accident down the street, a crazy, fat lady buying ice cream and in two seconds she's going to start peeling her clothes off in the local CVS. What do you do? What do you do?

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"(Can you imagine seeing/hearing a Lamborghini-looking car emitting an American small block burble?)."

I totally disagree. It's under-powered and lethargic, has unbelievably vague steering with no feedback in the wheel and zero support in the seats. The only redeeming feature this thing has is that the AWD system is shared with the Fusion and it's top-drawer.

I drove one to a conference a couple of years ago and loathed every km of the drive. It's a really oddly laid out interior. I felt like a kid eating at the adults table. Everything is so far away and the window sills are super tall. It's like driving a fridge box.

The previous model had two years when you could get it with Common Rail Diesel engine. The motor fixed a lot of problems and made it a really capable vehicle. However, any of them with the 3.7l were just garbage.

Change noted.

I've got to go with the Chevy Colorado.

No. Just pointing out that this not the first instance of this pic being shown.

Everybody's always bitching and complaining about beige-looking, wind tunnel-designed cars. Yes, the Juke is, shall we say, unique-looking. Some might even say unabashedly freakish.

A BMW? Careful, they bite.

Yeah, he needs a NSFW, but not to fear, this pic's been on Jalop before. Do a search for #dragon. You'll find it.

Shall I jump off, or merely step off your lawn? ;-)

Needs more Uncle Jesse.

True story. It happened just last week.

$300/hr??!! I don't think so, Tim.

The easiest way to neutralize the threat is to drop MS and go straight to Android. After all, what soccer-mom can't understand how the inside of her SUV is covered in Ice Cream Sandwich.

I think that fireworks get leeway because they're once a year (twice if you're the halloweening type) and they're community-celebratory in nature. Also, they're of relatively short duration and the smoke isn't generally a nuisance as it's up in the air.

Noise, smoke, plummeting property values...

Your 10 year-old girl sounds like a perfect match for my 11-year-old boy and 8-year-old girl. We are automotive safety vigilant: Seat belts, airbags, and given that our daily ride is a Tundra, high enough to be out of the bumper range of most cars but long enough that it won't tip over.