Robertsons are the bomb. Fences, decks, planters, benches. I've built more yard furnishings using Robertsons than anything else. With an impact driver, they can't be beat.
And would require more power from the driver - fewer sides to take up the force. The four sides combined with the depth of the hole, make this a great screw*.
I build a 150' long, 9' tall fence w/Robertsons and an impact driver. Never missed one or had one slip. Swear by them.
Once again, I'm going to pull the "Excuse me but I'm Canadian" card.
How many teeth were knocked out?
A German Shepherd has a bite force of about 250lbs/sq. inch. All that force concentrated through the points of some super hard canine teeth... I'm surprised there's not more damage.
Stock 15 passenger vans have such an atrocious safety record that many school boards, service clubs, childrens' groups etc... in Canada, have stopped using them. I believe that in a couple of Provinces, you can't use a 15 passenger van in a commercial business as a people hauler.
And that, is my nomination for #COTD
In reality, a waiver isn't worth the paper it's printed on. You cannot sign away your rights. The best thing a waiver can do for the company is allow them to show in court, that you were apprised of the risks. At best it helps the company show that blame can be spread around.
I grew up with an English Grandmother. I can't forget. Although, I would pay anything for her roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, again.
Automotive/culinary irony rules.
Troll on.
Even more amazing was how many of them just happened to hit cars with ramps attached to the rear bumper.
And to flip a Tahoe, you don't even need the ramp. Ponch and Jon would be proud.
Do. Not. Feed. The. Troll.
None whatsoever.