
He crossed behind the other car. He may be ok in that case.

Give it a titanium frame, super tall gears, ZIPP wheels, and full DuraAce setup and I'm in to tour this thing long distances.

A little piece of my Canadian heart just died.

It's a great QOTD and there have been some great answers.

Shut up and take my money. Or at least, take my credit ( and my house, kids, dog, left nut, future earnings, moral compass, ethics, sense of pride, eternal salvation...)

I'm guessing it's a team-car and a sponsored driver. Team pays the bills and can do whatever the hell they want to the car. Driver just drives.

Awesome story. #COTD for sure.

It's the poutine and steamies. It makes then hate les maudits anglais.

That needs to go to FailBlog.

I was going to put this up but I was late to the party and knew that someone would have it. Thanks $kay. Love this.

Now playing

Gotta be Bigfoot Jumping over a 727. It was the first really extreme thing someone did with a monster truck. Up until them it was all just jumping over and crushing cars. This was epic.

After three years of HTC, Blackberry and an iPhone, I'm ready burn the lot of them and go back to a good old-tech, flip-style dumb-phone. I can afford the data plan etc... with a smart phone. The constant contact just pisses me off.


Yeah, and the paintings are all way too dark and depressing.

"If someone presses the buy button and I receive funds via paypal before I have a chance to remove the listing, I'll refund the money in full and explain that the item is no longer available."

You spelled Rembrants wrong. I hated that band.

Dude, I drive a nine-year=old Tundra and/or ride my bike. We don't make BMW money. In our world an X6 would be a "fine luxury" vehicle.

I feel warm and fuzzy inside. And it ain't from bad bacon.

Motorcycles are great for training in situational awareness but they don't teach you to be a better driver.