
She probably requested and had it approved by a judge that it be signed with a pen made of ivory from a narwhal, with ink made from organically harvested ambergris, etched by an expert scrimshaw with notable works dating anywhere between January 1856 and May 1857, and the etching must include at least one peacock

I’m sure they did it just to raz her. And it was awesome!

The only way to be sure is to nuke it from orbit.

I’m with Beezus Quimby! Who Cares! What is this a Gawker/Jezebel Commercial for Shop Jeens?

How about the Mr. Do Nothing. You have 30 clients come in your office, and you see 28 and he sees 2. Then you find yourself wondering, were those 2 really meetings or just people that wandered off before their names were called on the sign in sheet, and he claimed them.

This pregnancy scare was brought to you by ClearBlueEasy. With ClearBlueEasy you can detect if you are pregnant before your first missed period!


One does Fashion, One does fitness, one does makeup, one does interior design, one does Men’s Socks? One does LGBTQ? One Parties? One Manages them all. It is like Voltron! I bet they can just be put together into one regular person. I’m just waiting for the one that does infomercials.

She probably cannot perform for money, but is her contract so strict that she cannot perform for free? Is this document so strict that she couldn’t just grab a guitar and walk out onto the sidewalk and play a tune for the passersby.

I won’t ever buy another song that has any link to Dr. Luke. Won’t listen to a commercial with a song related to Dr. Luke, Watch a movie with a Dr. Luke song in it. Let’s end this guy’s career now. Complete boycott. #NeverDrLuke

If she just added “ personally” this whole thing would have been nothing. Q: What do you think of Jennifer Lopez? A: “I don’t know her personally” See it is nothing. It is just semantics.

I booed so hard. You guys don’t even understand. It was that bad. Boo. She had that look on her face for the whole movie. It will haunt me in my dreams.

Perhaps Dionne Warwick’s Psychic Friends were wrong on this one?

And this is how the civil war started.

The show was unbelievable. Everyone knows that every country music star is sweet as honey and they all love each other, and invite each other over for Christmas. They sit around the fireplace playing guitar and singing songs with a country twang. There is no drama.

No way.... i couldn’t see him as Batman.....and there is no way in hell i’ll ever be able to believe he can do basic math!

People only watched it because they like Nathan Fillion. I heard they had to cancel it because he is bringing Firefly back. (I’m kidding, but i bet that is what people are going to say.)

That dog is the best!

Just cancel Live. It is just filler. Just do another hour of Good Morning America. That is what they do over at NBC. It even has Kathy Lee!

Can we start a #neverdrluke because i will not ever knowingly buy/ sit through a song on the radio/ remain in a theater seat if i know it had anything to do with him.