
For real, right?? We (and I mean the royal “we” here #notallstarshipcaptains) literally, and beyond all reason, voted him into a second term!! Glass houses and all that. FFS.

“. . . just more document requests, wasted time, and taxpayer dollars that will ultimately show the President did nothing wrong.”

I’m all in for a public healthcare system. But what you said is totally true, and Medicare and Medicaid also typically pay doctors a good amount less than private insurers. To get doctors on board with a Medicare-for-All platform, we’d need to make sure they’re getting paid a wage that compensates them appropriately

Please god no laugh tracks

... they won’t be the victims.

Right? “Fredo” feels rooted in a toxic masculinity problem, and Cuomo’s response to the heckler really just doubled down on (and is perpetuating) that. No grown-ass white man should freak the fuck out in front of his young child over a character in the Godfather. Sit down, Cuomo.

Nail on the head. Cars, unlike guns, are not built for the sole purpose of killing others, and we STILL regulate the hell out of them, in part because misuse of a car can cause harm to people. But regulate guns? Fuck no, because ‘Murica.

Right?? Not to mention, gun-related homicides and suicides are intentional acts of violence that the US does nothing effective to prevent, whereas all of the other types of preventable deaths he lists are, generally speaking, unintentional/accidental, and we DO take steps to reduce those types of deaths (vaccines, lega

OMFG, THANK YOU for spelling this out here. I cannot tell you how frustrating it has been to read media articles on this report. Christ, people, just because a sitting president hasn’t (yet) been indicted (a very high bar) doesn’t mean he hasn’t done a ton of shady shit, and it doesn’t suddenly, magically make him not

Michael Avenatti is super sleazy?? No!!

You and your super fucking obvious misogyny can fuck straight off to hell, Lauren.

Right? Lauren Evans and every trashy little piece of shit like her can fuck straight off to hell.

This reminded me of a friend who calculated that her family could afford a second child, and then they had twins (because of course)... It was literally less expensive for her husband to take a year off of work (!!!) than it would have been to pay for childcare while they both worked.

Watching Bernie supporters do fucking Olympic-level mental gymnastics to make his shitty views on guns and minority peoples “totally reasonable,” because Bernie...

Yeah there’s literally no reason for this. I moved to a new state and my registration expired (and I didn’t get the mailing because I hadn’t thought to update my address). I got pulled over for it and I got a warning, nothing more. What happened to this woman was nothing less than blatant racism and grift.

Jeff Merkley is a fucking amazing person and he does not belong on any list of “unlikeables.

I, too, did this type of editing work for many years and I loved it. Most people can get the fuck off my lawn, too, but you, my dear, are always welcome.

I really wanted to love this show, but it’s just too... cutesy. I had hoped it would be done in the same vein as the comic, but instead of an Exorcist-esque show about badass witches, we got Riverdale light. Very meh.

I spent half my life in academia. I second everything you said. And NdGT officially lost me when he dropped the “carbon is the slut of the periodic table” shit that men in his position find sooo funny. Meanwhile women in science are cringing like, “Yeah we’re clearly fucking done with THIS conversation.”

Don’t worry, a solid “FU, idiots!” once in a while is cathartic. Keep fighting the good fight.