
Honestly, ignore the idiot, who is superduper wrong (but soooo cute that he thinks using law terminology makes him sound smart). Neither Elonis v. US nor VA v. Black supports his “point.” In Elonis, SCOTUS reversed the appellate court’s ruling and found for the plaintiff (An 8-1 majority concluded that Elonis didn’t

There’s this comment in the Radar Online article:

This is what I needed today (and it’s also the greatest, most cathartic way to deal with the Kevins of Kinja). Thank you.

Kevin’s favorite food group is the “bloomin’ onion,” and his favorite pastime is yelling at golf on TV.

When the Affordable Care Act was signed into law, Kevin angrily told his Medicare clinician that he wasmoving to Canada” to protest “socialized healthcare.”

Kevin invested all his savings in beanie babies in the 90s.

Kevin thinks crocs are “stylish,” and has a sock tan.

I cannot believe (*sigh* yes I can) that people are fixated on, “but did he wear socks IN the pool?” as opposed the fact that the (thankfully fired) apartment manager is a blatant racist.

Men are the ones that are killing and beating trans people. Yet, all of the “punch” tweets are directed towards “terfs” aka women.

I love this SO MUCH (obvs), but for the sake of (avoidable) backlash, I wish she’d spelled “Kathryn” correctly. :/

Legit question: Keeping in mind that we know the “tax cuts” for individuals are fucking hokey, who here actually received any bump in pay as a result of the “tax cut” bill (and what are your income stats, if you don’t mind sharing)?

They cannot wrap their minds around their culpability in this world ending atrocity. So they create a delusion in which they played no part in it, or it was someone else’s fault.

It is indeed satisfying to simply dismiss a lengthy comment that you know took, like, a good 20 minutes of their worthless lives to write, and which you spent about 5 seconds skimming before dismissing. This is how much I care about some troll’s “well-reasoned” arguments about how “Bernie would have won”:

First, thank you. You are obviously and completely on point.

No one cares about your opinion.

No one cares about your opinion.

I had a terribly sad epiphany after the election... so many of my “friends” didn’t actually care about facts and just straight-up embraced the “us vs. them” mob mentality. :( We can’t give up the fight, but holy crap it’s hard to keep the fires burning when you know there’s this whole group of people out there who

I had a recent discussion on FB with some (now clearly ex) friends about the terrible state of our immigration laws and practices. I was careful and factual with my phrasing (so as not to inadvertently offend... not that I’m overly concerned about not offending; when I’m trying to be an asshole, you’ll know it), and I

Oh man, you are SO my people. <3

Sincerely, do what you need to do to stay sane in this absolutely batshit and depressing time. I, too, believe that the future IS brighter, and I continue to hold out hope for the upcoming November elections. Those of us who can stay angry/loud and in the present moment will keep the fires burning. Take care of