
I left academia and went back to school for law, in large part because there was no way in hell my field of science was going to see any much-needed increases in federal funding under this shit administration.

This is absolutely voter suppression. Oregon has been 100% vote by mail for decades and I know for a fact that I can walk 6 blocks to the local fire station and drop my ballot in a collection box if I don’t want to put it in the actual mail (which I can also do). At the collection box, there is *gasp* literally NO ONE

From personal experience this year, I have major concerns about the census. We completed ours online, but then continued to receive notifications in the mail as if we’d never completed it... and then someone came to our house to collect our information, saying that they didn’t have us on record as having completed it.

... And then gets pissed off at you when you’re not immediately all “oh don’t worry, you’re 100% forgiven and oh look, I’ve already forgotten shitty thing number 123902 that you did.”

Kamala: “Indeed, I am 100% certain that I feature prominently in your nightmares, you incompetent, orange fool.

Let’s never refer to anyone as a “cool girl” ever again, shall we? So. tired.

Four of my friends (all under 40 and none officially tested) have had coronavirus, and one, who is younger and healthier than I am, was bedridden for a full month. My uncle DIED of this (he was confirmed positive). I don’t even live in a state with a super high number of confirmed cases (we shut down pretty early on),

Quick FYI: bioRxiv is a preprint server where researchers can submit their manuscripts (open access/freely available for download by the public) before the papers are accepted and published in a peer-reviewed journal (so papers on bioRxiv and similar preprint servers are not yet peer-reviewed). The article title is:

Every year, Americans get the plague (yes that plague) from squirrels and prairie dogs (and even from cats on occasion). Malaria also used to be endemic here. We have yellow fever, hepatitis (all types), various flea- and tick-borne diseases (for which the reservoirs are deer, raccoons, smaller mammals, etc.).

Omg FUCK OFF with this shit.

Yeah, I feel really badly for any elderly people who have to take required minimum distributions. :/

I still have my hopes up that Biden will pick Stacey Abrams. Otherwise I don’t feel like there’s much to hope for in this primary anymore (full disclosure: I backed Warren)... :/

Now playing

Watching Warren’s interview with Rachel Maddow today makes it even harder to understand why anyone in this country would not support this amazing, brilliant, frankly over-qualified candidate. The only reason she’s not our candidate of choice is because she doesn’t have a penis, and because most (and I do mean most) of

Please don’t feel ashamed to want a woman in the White House. Representation matters! As a woman, I know full well that neither Biden nor Sanders gives a single fuck about my interests, and I know that any bland BS they spew right now about “women’s rights” (and they’re barely even bothering to do that much) will be

A friend of mine in Seattle is paying $3,300 per MONTH (almost $40K per year) for childcare for only ONE child (!!!), and it’s not some fancy facility, just a regular childcare center.

To further your point, this bullshit:

If she endorses Sanders...she will wind up doing alllllllll the work.

Yes to all of this. I’ll be voting for Warren 100%, as she’s hands down the smartest, most thoughtful candidate of the whole bunch.

I cannot give you enough stars for your perfectly on-point comment. Warren isn’t the clear front-runner because so many people in this country are sexists/misogynists. Warren is brilliant, kind, extremely qualified, and a great orator, and we would be lucky to have her as our president. A friend of mine worked with