
This is the right take, but I’d also sprinkle in a healthy dash of the admittedly lukewarm take that Harper is a solid ballplayer but does not deserve mention among the most elite players in the game. He can be a defensive liability and has had only one otherworldly season at the plate. He has been good enough for

Brady: 3-21, 17 yards, 4 INTs. Rams over Pats 62-6.

It’s crazy to think how many titles these guys would have if we didn’t have the three greatest players off all time playing at the same time. Like, if Nadal isn’t playing Fed probably has 30 and Djoker 25.

This is why the question of who’s the greatest of all time is unanswerable. Because Djokovic’s game is perfect for Nadal’s game; Nadal’s game is perfect for Fed’s game; and Fed’s game (in his prime, let’s say) was perfect for Djokovic’s is game. A rock-paper-scissors dynamic to be sure.

The Red Sox play tomorrow. 

we want players who care about the name on the front of the jersey more than the name on the back of the jersey

“Arianna Grande’s forever “plus-one,””

Three MLB games? I thought the doubleheader was against the Orioles.

The math checks out.

Honestly it’s extremely disappointing to not see any big name stars really stand up and say this is wrong. These dudes who seem all about integrity but don’t speak out. I get it, they are worried about the fallout, and maybe they think it’s not their job or something like that. But man, when you have that much money

Goddamn kids. Not that kind of rally!

Rob Manfred, later asked if Votto would face any punishment, looked at Votto in his uniform and said, “No, that’s more than enough.”

the ’Tics played smarter

I’m usually that way, until the point where watching my team becomes truly, painfully awful (a couple of years ago the Brewers were, in fact, that bad. I generally watched the condensed game and then put on Tigers/Nationals/Orioles(I think they were decent that year? maybe it was the Mets?)).
Still, I think you’re

I hate the Angels and I’ve watched them as much as my favorite team. Those two are appointment TV.

Highly recommended.

Is there some available coach out there who has a secret plan for making James less good at basketball?

That’s an awfully slow response time by Milwaukee police.

Oh, wow, forgot to do R.E.M. I would probably choose...

“Joey Votto metaphorically hit a home run straight into my dick and my dick exploded.”

Do you mean to say that Joey Votto donged a dong, a dong that’s now gone?