
Darth Becky DARTH BECKY Jesus that’s good

Aren’t you generally supposed to release a good song for your album’s first single?

If Elle Reeve wasn’t a pretty blonde, would those Nazis have spoken so candidly? Of course not. A big part of investigative journalism is subterfuge/undercover work.

I would watch the shit out of that.

I fully expect white men to be out of movies completely (except maybe for evil villian roles) by 2030.

I’m with you. Can’t we have stories that are our own?

I came down to the comments to drag James Bond as a concept - it’s a wholly stupid franchise that’s only carried by hunks in lead roles and r-i-d-c-u-l-o-u-s production expenditures - but then I saw your comment about Goddess Cate, who can do no wrong and now I’m all like YASSSS CATE BLANCHETT AS THE NEXT BOND!!!! I

She could star as a young M in a series of MI-6 prequels. Your welcome, Hollywood.

I love her, but she’s already got her cool franchise. Can’t we open it up to another kick ass actress? Spread the love around a little?

Bond. Jane Bond.


I was rooting for Obama to play the first black Bond, featuring Mich McConnell as Dr. No.

I’ve posted many other comments on this story but damn if I don’t snicker at his last name. So perfectly fitting.

Preach! I am so sick of 45 saying something on video, and then trying to tell us all it was reported wrong by the news. We saw you, and heard you. Just because you don’t like something doesn’t make it fake. I don’t like spiders, but no matter how many times I say fake spiders, they are still here.

I just read this lengthy ass blog post about a lawsuit stemming from a private Facebook mom group.

Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti...

Where did the Moose touch you?

So fighting nazis is a bad thing now? Weird, that used to make you a great American.