The Whattman Jr

See also: Messiah. It's gotten to a point where I can pretty much call whether a show's season will end in ambiguity by the end of the first episode. 

I thought it was mostly enjoyable and really easy to kinda breeze through, although at it’s worst it plays like a underwritten CW show that’s allowed to curse. The snark came off less desperate to me than just very hit or miss but I definitely agree that some of the attempts at edginess were cringe inducing. Still

Off topic but who cares:

Is it weird that I really like Sandler, but not his work? I haven't enjoyed his movies since my teen years but I'll watch him shoot the shit on a podcast like Norm's all day.

I'd also assume Jay has seen far, far worse already.

I’ve got a 6 year old boy and he definitely isn't ready for something like this, but I loved the show and I think it really should be a kid-by-kid basis and not just a blanket age group. I have two nephews around 10-11 and I could see one being able to handle it and one not.

Imo that would be BoJack but yeah that’s sort of the idea for me too. There are logical explanations for everything we see but in the end Owen’s “hallucinations” were right, so

About to watch Upgrade for the first time, so there’s that. Haven’t seen much on it plot-wise but I know enough to know I’m in that kinda mood. Rewatched Bojack’s latest season and picked up much more subtle gags and foreshadowing, which is par for the course. Also trying to get the wife to check out Fargo (the show)

I wonder if the show wanted us to think that maybe Owen was right and there were larger forces at play. We know how #1 and #9 kept crossing over, but he was actually right in the end and did save the world, in some form at least. When Annie wakes up in the room where the tests are happening but is still "inside," it

I don’t think The Kid meant that he was making a monument to Lacy, but that there was going to be one built for him by the town or whatever.

I didn’t make the connection about The Kid’s abilities influencing the behavior in the prison like you did, but I actually think it’s a neat idea and very “Stephen Kingish.” If I make the assumption that it only started in ‘91 and that the possible time travel stuff doesn’t go back before Ruth shoots him, then it