
You take the fuck, you take the shit
You take them both and there you have
The Fucks of Life, The Fucks of Life

I was eating strawberry rhubarb pie. It didn't go well.

Alana seems like she'd have some nice marbling.

That's a really interesting reaction — you're not affected by knowledge of how Mason will feel in the aftermath, after the drugs wear off?

Celebrity chef José Andrés is a consultant on the show. No doubt he's the twisted genius behind these creations.

We need to talk.

When I get that feeling I need
Textual healing

There's always room for fish jello!

That one might have been a little on the nose.

Sick burn!

Or at the very least do so on a full stomach.

That's totally going to be my stock response to anyone saying they're hungry.

Now there's a guy I can see drinking martearnis in his dressing room.


You, uh, gonna eat that?

Put your hands way up in the air

Funny because it's true!


"And when there was no crawdad to be found, we ate sand."

*peers suspiciously at Human Being*