
Who names their kid Porkins anyway?

Star Whores: It Didn't Go In, It Just Impacted on the Surface

Vague trailers are usually a bad sign.

He shoots first.

Underwater town? Does that mean we'll see Christina Hendricks in a skimpy bikini, her pendulous, buoyant breasts bobbing gently with the current? Asking for a friend.

Good comment/username synergy.

"Hey guys — I sense Dooku!" *farts*

Boobie Fett

Billy Dee Williams curses, kicks over cardboard box of Empire Strikes Back VHS tapes, and sits gloomily in his recliner with a tub of Cool Whip, staring at the phone.

Episode XXIV: Han Solo Is Confused

Mo'ba Fett!

2022: Postcards from the Wedge

Nothing but Star Wars!
Don't gimme those Star Wars…
Please let them end…


Red Five: Standing By Me

Harold and Mothra

"I liked your early, funny rampages."

Someone Still Did My Joke Already

*sues Phallus Chilton*

Things To Do in Denver When You're Godzilla