
What gets me is I agree, you can and SHOULD create a new story that is not intrinsically linked to the old one! Star Wars should be about way more than the Skywalkers and their friends.

I couldn’t care less about Bill, Oliver or Kate and was just posting a little joke.

My mom does this too, and it’s bullshit. Yes, the way the telephone works goes both ways, but parent-child relationships do not. And definitely not when a parent is bullshit for a person’s entire life as a minor. You can’t just put your kid on ice until they turn 18 and say “well, you’re an adult now, act like one

I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.

The look of love and pride on Kate’s face as she’s looking at her brother is freaking adorable.

This is sad all around, and it’s harsh when fathers abandon their kids and then blame the mother (because I honestly can’t imagine that is ever anything other than unmitigated horseshit), I can’t say that any of the participants in this situation seem to have the moral high ground. I mean, posting a pic of you with

Here’s the thing about being the child of a parent who abandons you, and then subsequently the child of a loving stepparent: IT’S NOT THE KID’S FAULT THAT YOU LEFT AND SOMEONE ELSE WANTED TO LOVE THEM. My own mother is super bitter about the acknowledgment my stepmother gets on Mother’s Day, but you know what? If you

Reminds me of a story about 8 years ago, when a grocery store I know refused to make a cake that said "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler." Apparently, a father (and mother), named one of their kids Adolf Hitler and wanted the store to make them a birthday cake.

It's at the point where Cut the Cake owner Sharon Haller has had to file a police report, and police have apparently offered employees escort to and from work if they feel unsafe.

I am part of the green sliver, btw.

I am so confused! Do the crazy bigots want food-sellers to be able to reject business based on their moral beliefs or not?! It's _almost_ like they want bigoted!Christians to be able to refuse business but don't want anyone else to be able to refuse bigoted!Christian business!

Thank you Walter! Much obliged.

Those people need to go the fuck away. Who has time for that kind of shit? Not Mo'ne, that's for sure!

23? I'm 62 and I look up to her.

"...but having young girls look up to me is pretty cool."

Assel, you're never gonna happen. Please stop while you're ahead.

"I've never once wanted [Shailene Woodley] sexually, which is nice."

I can't believe Michigan has so many Satanists. You'd think they'd choose a warmer climate.

I'd like to be the devil's advocate, but these Satanists know what they're doing.