
No he isn’t - the walk signal is flashing. In NYC, the walk time is way shorter than in most other cities.

Because he had control over the company and they wanted that. His voting share kept him in the drivers seat but SoftBank realized he needed to go if they ever had any chance at recouping some of their initial investment. They screwed up originally by investing so much but not getting enough voting power so they could

Why was the minor being kicked off?

Boomers deserve every bit of ridicule that can be thrown at them.

There are people right now worried that they’re not going to live long enough to take delivery of their pre-ordered C8.

It wasn’t “over a chicken sandwich” it was over disrespect. Just as stupid, but quite different.

Whoa there Satan 

There is no need to buy these sites. Sure the names have value, but to hand over money to these venture fucks for branding is wrong. Just open a shop somewhere else, and hire the talent from here. Give them profit-sharing, stock options, a stake in the proceedings, then sit back and watch the market that’s going

For some it is; for some it isn’t.

It won’t get shut down but it will be dead, as far as we know it anyway. Probably by this afternoon.

Depends on what you mean by the beef concil. If you mean people raising cows the right way to become actual meat, then sure, they definitely have nothing to worry about.

If you mean the people responsible for the “beef” in fast food... it’s tasteless and pretty much disgusting on its own, and the entire burger is

Oh man...if they actually look like that with the rubber tips, I may have lost my one and only reason for not buying these yet. Apple headphones have never fit my ears, but that would solve that issue. I might be going over to the dark side here. 


You can’t get any Tesla with a six speed.

This is a seriously awesome take after reading an article which directly explains the harm caused by the performers real names being public. Although, apparently the deranged people that target them are not at fault, it is on them for choosing that profession in the first place.

Guy’s, I’m not sure why everyone’s got their nickers in a bunch. When Lexus introduced their “spindle” grill everyone hated it. Now look at it everyone loves and praises it...

“I hate immaturity, even if it’s understandable because the person is in fact like 5 years old.

only as a terrible cartoonish villain 

My kids played at a “Football” high school. The number of kids under the age of 18 that had tats, and even sleeves, was astonishing. The youngest I knew was 16. I would put it at 25-30%