
Manual or slush box?

The biggest deterrent is that Google Fi coverage is awful. I have it now and will be switching back to Verizon as soon as I can order the 12 mini. 

Hmm. I use Firefox on an iPad Pro.

Most of the things my 3 year old does that make me go “WTF?” usually come from a book that my wife has read to him. He loves to re-enact scenes from Beatrix Potter books, which I find kind of disturbing. One time he covered me in a blanket (that’s the dough!) and a pillow (that’s the butter!) and then tried to beat me

WTF. I’ll help the guy out.

If you are a parent, there is an entire industry built around exploiting your pumpkin needs. I spent almost $100 taking the family to a fucking pumpkin patch to buy overpriced pumpkins. And even more money to carve/decorate said pumpkins. That’s on top of the cinnamon nutmeg flavored pumpkin-less food stuffs that I

I think about that episode all the time because of the one customer they tried to sell a car to at the end for thousands less than what they paid for it just to get the sale.

It sounds like most of the “competitions” here are food challenges that restaurants offer as a promotion: eat all this and it’s free or you get a t-shirt.

Was it This American Life on NPR? I believe the episode was called 129 or something, which was the number of cars they were trying to sell.

LOL. People who can afford that kind of car are used to getting things their way. And many of those people want to pay as little as possible. I know multimillionaires who haggle on appliances.

In what part of the country are your stores located? Plenty of canned beans in my local store this morning.

Is Old Quebec the same thing as Quebec City? I stayed for a week at the Chateau Frontenac and thought the whole place was architecturally interesting but was otherwise a tourist trap. 

Yes, that’s right, my kid who was in the bottom 5% of baby weight from the time he was born through age 2, should have been starved at 6 months when he refused to eat solid food.

I have a toddler and I never, ever give advice to other parents. It’s usually the other way around- I pester other parents about how to take care of my kid.

I was lucky enough to have seen the northern lights for 4 straight nights in Iceland, and I was amazed at how different they could look from night to night. Some nights, the lights just looked white to the naked eye, but were gloriously colored in pictures. Other nights, they were brightly colored to the naked eye.

The Dred Scott opinion is widely considered one of the worst legal decisions of all time. And for many people who study law, it seemed inconceivable that it would ever lose that title.

LOL. You’ve already been pre-programmed to eat unhealthy food if you think that the salad isn’t the main course.

You do realize that cooked meat weighs much less than raw meat, right? It will cost more, yes, but it is not 2x the price for the quantity you eat.

Your response tells me you have very little experience buying pre-packaged salads. A bag of salad greens with dressing at Trader Joe’s runs $3. A small bag of just cleaned greens is much cheaper. I personally buy the cleaned greens and use my own dressing. A giant bag of kale runs about $3.5 at the supermarket near

People who are pressed for time can easily eat healthy. Every supermarket sells prepackaged salads, or if they want to save money, pre-cleaned greens. Same with protein. You can get pre-cooked chicken cubes that don’t cost much more than raw chicken.