
I’d rather hear someone fish for compliments than humble-brag. 

Jalen Rose is 47.

Yes, many financial services firms, whose value is tied directly to their employees rather than a product, are not bringing them back until 2021. And that date is still subject to change.

I would like to thank you for wasting my Friday. I have now watched all of the kids v. food videos. 

He’s telling this story to be self-deprecating. I think most people have embarrassing stories to tell about stupid stuff they did when they were young. Blunt is actually better than most in that he can poke fun at himself.

Except when it comes from a cop. Courts in many states will bend over backwards to validate a cop’s version of events.

Yeah, no matter what someone’s politics may signal, selling a $250 bag is not being inclusive, by definition. Many, many years ago, Stefan Marbury sold basketball sneakers under his Starbury label for $25 a pair so that kids from his old Bronx neighborhood could have “name brand” sneakers. That is being inclusive.

Now that I work from home, we’ve eliminated a lot of the convenience foods we used to buy. But boxed mac and cheese is just too easy and cheap to give up. Plus,the mac and cheese that I make from scratch with smoked gouda, asiago and cheddar cheese is wasted on my toddler. 

Did you see the lines at the Tesla charging stations last Thanksgiving? 

Yeah, German is a fun language to decipher, but I’d never want to actually speak it..

When I first lived with roommates, like a fool I stocked the fridge with stuff. Then my roommates would eat all the food and not replace any of it. That put an end to me stocking the fridge. 

Sorry about your husband. I’m actually a bit surprised at the lack of responses to your comment. For most people, the pandemic has ushered in a change that seems world-ending. Adding to that a loss of a partner for nearly a century seems unfathomable.

I’m guessing this restaurant did not offer outside seating prior to the pandemic.

None of them are particularly liberal candidates, but they will appoint liberal judges. That’s all I really care about because Lord knows Biden is not going to do jack shit while in office. But Idealism for the sake of Idealism sounds good in the abstract, but in reality what it means is that more conservative judges

I know someone who has leased the same model car every three years for the past 15 years. The only reason he is not going to get the same car next year? The car doesn’t come in a manual anymore.

Air travel from the U.S. is down because other countries won’t let us in. This week flights to Tahiti started again and my friends hopped on it. There is pent up demand and the minute there is a vaccine, air travel is going to go right back to where it was.

Is this located anywhere near Chink’s cheese steaks?

Is G/M kicking in any $$ for this trip? Or at least an expense account? If not, might I suggest that you set up a Patreon or a GoFundMe account. I’d kick in some money for a velvet interior.

I know the article you linked says he’s serving a 6 year sentence, but the only thing I could see was that he was sentenced to one year for each offense. Because they are misdemeanors, ordinarily those sentences would be served concurrently, not consecutively. That means he serves a total of one year, not six. And

Levain is supremely overrated. I’ve waited on that stupid line exactly 2 times: once, to see what the fuss was all about, and the second time because my mother-in-law wanted to try it. In all, I think I bought about a dozen cookies of varying flavors and while decent, are not much better than what you can bake at