
Plus, you can charge extra for sizes XXL and XXXL.

Airport workers just aren’t showing up for their shifts. And probably rightly so, since the higher ups are just fucking morons. There is incompetence everywhere and this virus is exposing it all. Employees coming in contact with possibly sick passengers without protective gear?

The cancellation was spur of the moment.

Italy is racist as hell but at least you’re not Asian. I can’t even imagine how bad it must be to be an Asian living in Italy right now.

My brother is doctor who regularly has to examine patients with their pants down. He says that the percentage of people with actual shit on their underwear would blow your mind. Not skids. Actual shit.

Yeah, so the 401k is not like a pension fund that guarantees a payout (unless the entire fund goes bankrupt) based on your contributions. A 401k is simply a personal investment account that a worker can fund with pre-tax income. That is, the money is deducted from your paycheck directly and you do not have to pay

See: wealth effect. It’s a thing.

The wealth effect is well documented. It doesn’t apply to everyone, but it can’t be ignored.

Yeah, I’m down a Porsche 911.

15.5 million is, I think, a bit optimistic at this point. It’s tough to justify a new car when your 401K is down the price of a new car. 

I was at a supermarket on Monday night and while I expected to see the usual suspects (canned food, paper and cleaning products, pasta) cleared out, I was also surprised to see that strawberry jam was all gone. Plenty of peanut butter, and jams of every other flavor. But no strawberry. I had to order it from Fresh

It’s a very 90s interpretation of a craftman with its choice of wood and color palette. Most of the houses in my town are 100 years old, lots of craftsmen, and when updated, look great. This thing just screams 1995.

Holy shit that house is dated. Good luck getting anyone to pay asking price for that.

Your good faith interpretation of his tweet is about as legitimate as Fox News’ interpretation of, well, anything.

I’ve only owned manuals. And Audi stopped making my car in a manual (I’ve had 2) so I have to look elsewhere for my next car. And there is no way I would ever consider this car.

Look, white people for the most part don’t care about the immigrant experience. Your admission that years of advocacy by actual latinx has yielded little results is proof of this. So the question you need to ask yourself is, will this book result in more people caring? If so, should it be silenced because it’s not the

Ding ding. This is the most likely scenario. Will or no will, the daughters each probably own 50% of the estate and can’t agree on anything other than paying the tax bill.

I can’t get over that c-pillar. 

Guarantee that someone gets hurt and sues. And because the police permitted it, they will sue the city as well.

You also need to include rich scions of Chinese families and Wall Street traders.